Frequent notifications of toys affect the image of China's manufacturing

by:Ennas      2021-12-12

my country is the EU's largest source of imports. In 2013, China's total exports to the EU reached 370.27 billion U.S. dollars. Among them, children's products are important products, mainly including children's clothing, toys, strollers, etc. However, in recent years, my country’s export of children’s products to Europe has been frequently restricted due to different forms of trade protection measures, and industrial safety has been adversely affected. The three major phenomena must be taken seriously. Frequent notifications affect the image of Made in China From January to July 2014, the EU Rapid Alert System for Non-Food Consumer Goods (RAPEX) initiated a total of 449 notifications on my country’s children’s products, an increase of 50.2% year-on-year. Media speculations such as “inferior products made in China” are extremely easy Affect the propensity to consume. Reasons for notification include chemical risks, suffocation risks, structural design safety, microbiological risks, and flammability, among which three 'severe diseases' are more serious. The first is chemical risk, involving a total of 168 notifications, of which 81.5% of the phthalate content exceeded the standard, which has become the primary “tumor”, and the number of notifications involved reached 137, an increase of 121.0% year-on-year; the second was caused by the shedding of small parts. Choking risks, such as the weakening of decorative parts on children’s shoes, have involved 110 notifications, an increase of 13.4% year-on-year; there are also rope safety issues for children’s clothing, involving 96 notifications, an increase of 12.9% year-on-year, small parts and ropes Belt problems are details that companies tend to overlook in product design. Increasing safety assessments implies subsequent risks. The EU conducts safety risk assessments on specific chemical substances through data collection, risk assessment, risk characterization and other steps. Based on the scientific nature of the above-mentioned safety assessments, the EU often updates technical regulatory barriers directly or revises REACH based on this. Such laws and regulations have increased the export risk of our children’s products. This year the European Union has successively released a number of high-risk factor safety assessment reports. For example, the safety risk assessment report of bisphenol A in children’s toys at the beginning of the year indicated the effect of this substance on children’s endocrine regulation activities. The migration limit of A is set at 0.1 mg/L. Previously, this limit was only voluntarily implemented by the European toy industry, not a mandatory requirement; on August 4, the European Commission’s Center for Health and Environmental Risk Assessment (SCHER) issued a report stating that hexavalent chromium There is potential carcinogenicity, and it is recommended to significantly increase the migration limit requirements of hexavalent chromium in the toy safety directive.  The upgrading of technical barriers increases the cost of products.  As the European Union is the vane of global technical regulations, technical barriers related to children's products have always been at the forefront. For example, the toy standard, which has been called 'the most stringent in historySince the beginning of this year, the European Union has updated a number of technical regulations, such as the toy standard EN71-1 revised in April, which comprehensively strengthens the physical and mechanical requirements of products, and successively issued directives 2014/79/EU and 2014/81/EU in June. Combine bisphenol A and tris(2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP), tris(2-chloropropyl) phosphate (TCPP) and tris(1,3-dichloro-2-propyl) phosphate ( TDCP) and other three flame retardants are included in the scope of restrictions. In addition, the lead content of consumer products that are easily accessible to children will also be restricted.   Children's products are my country's important export products, mostly labor-intensive industries. Only Ningbo area involves more than 600 production enterprises, with an annual export value of more than 500 million US dollars. As the world's largest exporter, my country will suffer the effects of international trade frictions for a long time. For this reason, the inspection and quarantine department reminds relevant enterprises: 'First, we should improve quality and safety awareness to 'self-protect'. Actively seek technical and policy assistance from inspection and quarantine, industry associations and other departments to avoid risks reasonably. Strictly review product design and other aspects of safety, discover problems in advance, design exports based on foreign orders, and do not blindly meet customer requirements, address defects in foreign designs, or customers specify surface materials that do not match physical indicators such as strength due to cost considerations, etc. , Strengthen communication, and stipulate the conformity of product design in the contract, and safeguard their legitimate interests.  Secondly, it is necessary to actively respond to technical barriers to 'strengthen itself.' It is necessary to timely grasp the corresponding technical regulations of export market technology, quality, safety, environmental protection, packaging and labeling, accurately grasp the design risks, and strengthen the monitoring of label information, packaging materials, appearance hygiene and other product details, and pay attention to the EU notification information in time, Dynamically grasp the focus of market attention. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the training of key positions such as design and quality inspection, continuously improve the quality management system, and ensure product quality from the source in conjunction with technological progress.   At the same time, it is necessary to improve the quality control ability to 'self-discipline.' Strictly control the quality and safety of raw and auxiliary materials, and do not blindly use inferior raw materials or lower the production process standards for reasons such as reducing costs and shortening the construction period. Strengthen the quality control of finished products by improving their own testing capabilities, entrusting third-party testing agencies, etc., according to the relevant laws and regulations of the importing country or region, the composition of the raw materials of the product, the production process of the product, the use and market positioning of the product, and the requirements of buyers Various factors such as scientific determination of product testing items.
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