
Four artists at the 15th Australia Perth walcott, los coast statuettes show

by:Ennas      2021-08-10
Core tip: exhibition opened in local time on March 1, 2019, Perth, Australia walcott, los coast statuettes show, 海边的雕塑,Cottesloe) , is one of the largest free exhibition opened in Perth on March 1, 2019, local time of Perth, Australia walcott, los coast statuettes show, 海边的雕塑,Cottesloe) , is the largest free public activities in Perth, also is one of the world's largest small sculpture exhibition, attracted some 240000 local and tourists from all over the world are involved to explore art, creating a unique romantic belongs to Perth, every day tens of thousands of people wandering in the sunset, beach stroll between the figurines of leisure, it has become a local special public cultural events. Walcott's coast little sculpture exhibition 'and the famous' Sydney bondi beach small sculpture exhibition ', are the largest scale and highest reputation in the world of outdoor statuettes show. This year is the exhibition of the 15th anniversary of the 71 pieces of works of art from 17 countries together in a beautiful walcott, beach on display, is a from the United States, Israel, China, Japan, South Korea, Sweden, Norway, Finland, Italy, Slovakia, Austria, Greece and Andorra international artists of the big parties, including a total of four Chinese artists, they respectively are li, Cui Yi, Hu Quanchun and Mao Linggang. Li statuettes show the yellow and green coast excitedly in the famous Chinese artist li in western Australia walcott, los rollout. Li in the contemporary art is one of the most famous work is about the exploration of consumerism theme, people familiar with the everyday items, such as waste packing box, gum wrappers, or wrinkled bags, with glass fiber them into a surreal aesthetic objects. He exhibited 'yellow' 2015) And 'green' ( 2012) Two shaped like abandoned wrigley gum wrappers large figurine, overlooking the Indian Ocean, attracting tourists under the background of different watch the ordinary disposable items. Li from chongqing, is professor and director of sichuan fine arts institute figurine in the first Beijing international art biennale, national museum of China, the Japanese oita international statuettes show international exhibition, etc. China national art gallery, chongqing contemporary art gallery, and other major Australian white rabbit museum collections have his shadow. Li said: 'kete, the beach is a very beautiful little sculpture exhibition site, it is a great pleasure for me to come to Perth to visit the exhibition and the beach. NO Cui Yi 'sources. 2 Cui Yi from hangzhou, a total of three statuettes show in Australian coast, and in the 2017 Sydney bondi was awarded a prize of emerging artists in the exhibition, has repeatedly traveled around Europe, in countries such as France, Germany, Italy station work and collection. Cui Yi often expressed through the perception of material properties to the real situation in the form of exploration, the exhibition of the source of the NO. Image life strength 2 'continuation of previous works, the mirror of the twist in western Australia bright sun shining, attracting tourists in spiral visual feeling' confrontation and balance 'in the process of blending. Works on display in outdoor public space, and nature, people interaction, is in reality, and applies to the charm of the crowd. Hu Quanchun Hu Quanchun from Beijing painting house building, public art studio of the central academy of fine arts teaching now, many works to hide in the Chinese public art collection, once in guangdong art museum and exhibition on display in 2018 Sydney bondi beach figurine. Hu Quanchun exhibit the painting house do originally for changde in hunan province is necessary to develop a demolition area 'intervention' plan, hope that through the elementary student's field of vision will be the memory of the shantytowns retained in the primary school students after the draw, students began to 'do', 'individual memory' and 'city of memories'. Work at Kurt, los white sand beach like a children's game, with the public visitors set each other off becomes an interest. Mao Linggang 'the earth is flat' Mao Linggang from Beijing, at home and abroad have been involved in numerous figurines project of famous artists, this is the first time he outside China to participate in the exhibition. Work 'the earth is flat' in the setting sun sunset beach reflected with gleaming reflection mirror luster, tells the story of China, the Chinese people, China's environment and the status of China in history. This tree is placed on the base, a symbol of the beauty of nature and fragile. Mao Linggang said: 'no matter good history, or the history of the disaster, the need to be true. 'Exhibition at the scene of Perth, Australia walcott's coast little sculpture exhibition is an international exchange platform for the culture and art, since the first exhibition in 2005, a total of more than 500 from 38 countries of the world's most outstanding, one of the most famous statuette, off the coast of Kurt, los figurines exhibition on display, including outlook from China, Chen, li wei, jian-guo sui, guan wei, Gao Xiaowu and shu-gang wang, etc. ; From the UK Sir Anthony carlo om ( Anthony Caro OM) Sir, Tony cragg ( 托尼·克拉格) David and zadak bin ( 撒督本- 大卫) And so on.
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