Five island artist shen exhibition

by:Ennas      2020-06-16
Core clew: today, 'the Chinese tradition of modern eye - Taiwan artists Liang Yi fen, which featured qi, Bai Feng, Chen Yongmo, min-jian zhong works exhibition' in the opening in the center of the circle culture and art in Shanghai tomorrow. Five today, 'the Chinese tradition of modern eye - Taiwan artists Liang Yi fen, which featured qi, Bai Feng, Chen Yongmo, min-jian zhong works exhibition' in the opening in the center of the circle culture and art in Shanghai tomorrow. Five Chinese artists from Taiwan by oil painting, figurines, ink painting, ceramics and other art forms, interpret the painting art and creation of a new trend. Painter Liang Yi burn through 'Matisse orientalism' of graphics and colour combination, reveal a striking concise picture; Which featured qi figurine works through the realistic or lyrical image endowed with culture connotation; Chen Yongmo with spring ink or double thin lines, as well as the seal cutting and so on a variety of artistic expression to realize self. Bai Feng in ink painting works in the color of mowgli, flowery, dripping wet, coruscate fresh visual tension. Min-jian zhong will bright crystalline glaze and warm towards traditional celadon glaze marries, the concept of plural and open.
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