First do in songzhuang art

by:Ennas      2020-06-13
Core tip: yesterday, the tongzhou songzhuang area A museum for the first time in Chinese art. Chinese painters in songzhuang ChanZhi with Georgia figurines Alexander has 20 paintings on display and 15 pieces of figurines as yesterday, the tongzhou songzhuang area A museum for the first time in Chinese art. Chinese painters in songzhuang ChanZhi with Georgia figurines Alexander has 20 paintings on display and 15 pieces of small sculpture. The exhibition of painting works are all 20 ChanZhi the 'desire' series of creation in recent years, in traditional Chinese culture, 'fish' is a symbol of wealth or happiness, ChanZhi misappropriate it in this series, with abstract methods suggests that a modern social value standards. Alexander is a usual posture and muscle to express the inner spirit of the artist. In the thinker, 'the moonlight of the Caucasus knight 15 small sculptures, such as continuous movement and pure serene sense of balance, let the audience connect directly to the rhythm of life. Exhibition planner said, hope that through this exhibition art, can let more Chinese people understand Georgia to Georgian people know more about Chinese art. The exhibition will last until the 31st of this month.
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