Figurines on urban memory

by:Ennas      2021-09-30
Core tip: statuettes show to attract visitors. Let her report from our correspondent (taken Reporters at her) Yesterday, the municipal planning and land resources administration bureau, city article wide bureau sponsored 'small cities, space, art sculpture exhibition attracted visitors. Let her report from our correspondent (taken Reporters at her) Yesterday, the municipal planning and land resources administration bureau, city article wide bureau sponsored 'cities, space, art' theme BBS figurine art center in Shanghai city, 'pursue the space and time - 2014 Shanghai figurine art invitational exhibition 'at the same time. The show for the first time after four generations of Shanghai figurines home since reform and opening up the overall works of carding and panoramic rendering, in 99 the age span of 90 years of figurines family's eyes and touch, show the continuation of history, culture and space of Shanghai city and development. Tchang, Chen Daotan, ZhangYongHao figurines we brought the older red classics such as the creation of the manuscript, including the mayor Chen yi, 'Marx and Engels', 'south the Shanghai museum stone beast group' and so on Shanghai city landmark figurines.
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