'Figurines + ice and snow' : changchun is to build the perfect combination of art and cultural tourism

by:Ennas      2020-06-13
Core tip: day, as the winter to build huge snow group all completed, changchun invested tens of millions of money to build the 'ice world' began to open. World small statue park in changchun, as the first global, as the winter to build huge snow group all completed, changchun invested tens of millions of money to build the 'ice world' began to open. As a statuette of changchun world park, the first global winter snow and ice project of exquisite, artistic flavour is dye-in-the-wood statues made of ice, snow, let local winter tourism market, has realized the art, culture, the perfect combination of ice and snow and tourism. It is understood that the park on the snow ice sculptures, group of all completed, a total of all kinds of work pieces. Emotion, among them, 'snow and ice edge figurines,' the fourth college students on the work piece, the third China changchun international ice and snow figurines of work pieces, with years of reform and opening-up, changchun old city gate, the arc DE triomphe, beauty and so on as the theme of the large ice figurines group. Changchun world small statue park director ming-shan wang, makes the 'ice world' with quantity close to thousands of cubic meters of snow, YongBingLiang into cubic meters, invested more than ten thousand yuan, in the human person, more vehicles, built in over a month. Has created 'one axis, second, three pieces of' the whole domain of snow and ice landscape. Reporter found that when the site visit, bumper cars, bicycles on the ice, ice ice sledge, ice and snow entertainment, blasting attracted many tourists. In addition, figurines and ice fusion of 'secondary creation' works, also attracts tourists to take pictures. The small sculpture park is put on 'nashi' and 'folk wind' clothes, make the abstract works full of fun. Staff of the park, full of artistic works of figurines, attracts numerous tourists both at home and abroad. The deepest impression is a few days ago, several Russian tourists, with children stroll in the park for a long time, viewing every sculpture. Reporters then came to changchun lotus ski resort. Here, the staff told reporters that as the changchun ice-snow tourism project is becoming more and more popular, flat peak period of visitors, can reach people around every day, weekend peak, visitors can up to one thousand people a day.
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