Figurines home tian shixin solo exhibition zheng yukui xiao-ling song figurine works at the grand theater

by:Ennas      2021-09-15
Core clew: kam yuen kam yuen taken taken people's Beijing on September 24, tao ran, 'art yun tian shixin solo exhibition, zheng yukui, xiao-ling song three small sculpture exhibition' in the national grand theatre art salon exhibition hall kam yuen kam yuen taken taken people's Beijing on September 24, tao ran, 'art yun tian shixin solo exhibition, zheng yukui, xiao-ling song three small sculpture exhibition' opened in the national grand theatre art salon exhibition hall. The exhibition by the famous statuette, Mr Tian shixin solo exhibition held a potter and Mr Zheng yukui and ms xiao-ling song together, the three artists style each different, each has his strong point. Mr Tian shixin solo exhibition of works of prospective of primitive simplicity, powerful, relaxed and concise way to work very strong vitality. Bronze statue of a small 'Teresa teng', long hair shawls sing 'she picked up the microphone' smile, simple and modern technique of expression to a generation of 'artistic charm of the show incisively and vividly. Woodcarving work twelve of the wind 'is the European realism figurine skills and organic combination traditional Chinese figurines freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting technique, unique style, artistic conception far-reaching and lasting appeal. Mr Zheng yukui and ms xiao-ling song works with foil characters unique personality. 'Of the Beijing Opera', 'the drunken beauty' and other works imagery created the Oriental woman to be attractive, shows the Chinese traditional pure affection. The two silly dream with clay shape two silly characters, in a variety of metal parts that constitute the cello, with branches stick deductive bow, depict the simple and honest 'silly' to play the cello, chasing art dream happy moment, aftertaste letting a person is boundless. While ms xiao-ling song works reveal female artists unique warm, 'sisters' and 'beauty show another pottery and porcelain, glass reinforced plastics coloring works, through the exaggerated humorous expression expression, be enlarged or reduced physical characteristics, deliberately show fruity, rich, beautiful portrait, show originality. And the 'Beijing spirit', 'jiangnan kei chan' and so on ceramic plate painting is very pure and fresh and free from vulgarity. ( JH:页面) Kam yuen taken 'national grand theatre self-built since school, not only to the Chinese and foreign audience presented a high standard of performance, but also committed to the exhibition, collect outstanding artistic achievement. The exhibition, the three artists in clay, wood, bronze, glass fiber reinforced plastic coloring, and other forms of figurines will show all kinds of characters and artistic conception dripping wet, whether contemporary life, or opera characters, all contain a celebration of the life is the most simple sincere, fully embodies the characteristics of art originates from life, believe that will bring you good visual effects and artistic enjoyment. The relevant person in charge of 'grand theatre, said after the show, part of exhibits will be collected by the grand theater. At present, there are more than five thousand (grand theater collection, Set) 。 During the exhibition until October 12, during the national grand theatre 'autumn art line', the audience just buy visit tickets, can appreciate the splendor of the exhibition, can also appreciate the chamber music, folk music, piano and other public space, get the wonderful art experience.
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