Figurines academic invitational exhibition in September 2019 in the gorgeous art gallery in 210 pieces of fine appearance

by:Ennas      2020-06-03
Core tip: economic journal on May 13, hosted by the Chinese artists association, small sculpture art committee of Chinese artists association, the sea to undertake large-scale group 'classic' - — 2019 Chinese figurines academic invite economic journal on May 13, hosted by the Chinese artists association, small sculpture art committee of Chinese artists association, the sea to undertake large-scale group 'classic' - — Chinese figurines academic invitational exhibition 2019 will be held this year on September 27 in jiangsu sea rings art gallery, meet with the audience. This exhibition will gather in the Chinese modern and contemporary old figurines, figurines and qing three generations of the best 210 home works, trying to all-round development and presents the new China figurine present age style and features. On May 11, in the era of 'classic' - — 2019 China figurine academic invitational exhibition operated and press conference, appointe secretary-general of China artists association, in May, said xu li, vice President of the invitational exhibition hold the pulse of The Times, to work dedicated to the people, the works displayed for various periods in the 70 years since the founding of the figurines masterpiece. 'Classic' - — 2019 China figurine academic invitational exhibition operated and press conference according to the economic daily reporter understanding, the era of 'classic' - — 2019 Chinese figurines academic invitational exhibition in accordance with the new China figurine representatives of the three stages of development in 70, is divided into three major parts. Small statue writer of Chinese artists association, director of the dawn in the briefing to introduce the content of the three major parts. The first plate is all rivers run into sea, spectacular classic cast times. Is the representative of the new China figurine pioneers and pioneer. They are going to western classical realism technique combined with Chinese traditional art, gradually explore the figurines of language with distinctive national characteristics. This batch of figurines home has a outstanding contribution and influence on Chinese figurines cause of predecessors, a committeeman of figurines in China writer and academic institutions in the role of academic leaders, they are the backbone of China's small statue cause, with their superb artistry and academic level, shaping the highlight national image, closely related to the era of 'classic' of The Times. The second sector is the mainstay, help push rings wave bear era elite, representative is since China's reform and opening up a new generation of small statues, they are in a small statue, the material, the technique of expression and ideas in the form of expression aspects of bold innovation, China statuette also subsequently completed during this period of historical change, further completed the transformation from tradition to modern and contemporary China figurine. Now this batch of figurines, some become the statuette of active community representatives, some become shoulder the task of the teaching professor and researcher. Career and has grown into China figurine figurines 'backbone' of teaching. The third sector is jianghai sina, wind sail, elicits new era. Is the representative of the new century a new generation of young figurines home, since they have the courage to innovation, bold breakthrough, with personalized figurines language, contains the era characteristics of figurines materials, to rich and colorful technique of expression present contemporary figurine's spectacular new features. Now this batch of young talents from the national arts exhibition, the national youth arts exhibition, Zeng Zhushao figurine art scholarship, contemporary figurines award, China tomorrow posture figurines exhibition and other important things stand out, down the road of Chinese figurines predecessors to explore the countenance, become 'jianghai sina, China's small statue cause with breath figurines of masterpieces in the new period elicits a' new era '! 'Classic' - — Press conference of 2019 China figurine academic invitational exhibition operated and China JingJiWang reporter ChengQi/taken to start the ceremony, li wei, deputy director of the China federation of art art center and the sea rings gallery director Fang Yicai signed a cooperation agreement. Sea rings group chairman zhou said, 'little statue is solidified art, fashion clothing is flowing. The statuettes show held in sea billow, can bring about sparks of beauty, create with Chinese characteristics and national style. 'Said xu li, the Chinese artists association and the sea: the gallery cooperation, make Chinese art ecology from the official to the universal, is jointly promote, common prosperity and common services of a new way, this way is more ground, can let people see the excellent art works. It is understood that the exhibition will be from September 27, 2019-2019 on November 27 in national art museum of jiangsu sea billow, roll over two months.
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