Excessive toyization of stationery has caused the cart before the horse

by:Ennas      2021-11-21

According to the 'News Live Room' report, the reporter visited many stationery stores in Xuchang, Henan, and found various cartoon-patterned pens, car-shaped pencil cases, and pencil sharpeners of various shapes that dazzled people. Some adults of stationery don't know how to use it. Some teachers and parents think that stationery is too toy, and it’s a bit of putting the cart before the horse. In the textbook of elementary school students, there is an article by Li Dazhao, in which there is a sentence saying: 'Study carefully when it is time to learn, and play hard when it is time to play.' Toys are of special significance to everyone when they were young. Toys not only play a role in entertainment, but also play a role in the growth of children in the process of entertainment. Toys can enrich children's imagination, activate their brains, and improve their creativity. For example, the learning machine resembles a toy and at the same time has the magical effect of entertaining and teaching. But you should learn, play, and do nothing, otherwise you will inevitably be distracted and get nothing done. The reporter walked into a stationery shop near a primary school in Xuchang City and found that there were a variety of stationery on the shelves, transformers pencil sharpeners, racing car-shaped stationery boxes, cartoon character pendant pencils, fruit erasers, and stationery items resembling toys. It's dazzling. The owner of the stationery store said that these stationery have many functions, novel styles and bright colors, which are quite popular with children. The teacher of Xuchang Dongcheng Experimental Primary School said: “Too toy stationery will distract students and affect their studies. Parents should avoid taking their children to buy these stationery.” The pupils themselves also said that they did not restrain themselves during class. Will go to play with pendants on pencils and so on. What the parents say is that this not only makes the child's learning inattention, but also breeds a psychology of comparison. The author believes that children will love and accept stationery as toys, but the amount should be appropriate and the degree of toyization should be controlled, otherwise the stationery will lose its essential meaning.
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