European Union: A kitchen toy set is recalled due to the fact that small parts are easy to fall off

by:Ennas      2021-11-16 News on March 7th, the Defective Product Management Center of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine recently issued a notice of recall of foreign consumer products, that is, the European Union recalled Marco's Toys Kitchen Tableware kitchen toy set.     According to, on March 02, 2018, the European Union implemented a recall plan for a Marco's Toys Kitchen Tableware kitchen toy set. The origin of this product is China, and its specific model or identification feature is number 1664.  The products within the scope of this recall mainly have the following defects and consequences: the cookware control buttons are easy to fall off, which will produce small parts. Young children may put this small part in their mouths, causing suffocation.   If you find a similar problem with your product, you can visit the defective product management center of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine.  Keywords: toys, quality, small parts
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