This product is virtually stable. Its sturdy structure is not susceptible to expand, contract, or deform under such conditions as high and low temperatures. The product has the advantage of crack resistance
This product features the required softness. During the processing of the fabric, the chemical softener has been added to remove the roughness and friction between fibers. The product features attractive and bright colors
It can be placed in the courtyards, balconies, small gardens, rooms, etc. The product is extremely lightweight thanks to its resin materials. The product features attractive and bright colors.
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Ennas is made of high quality and durable raw materials which have been well selected before entering into the factory. Auto shut-off feature to conserve battery life
Ennas comes in a wide variety of design styles. It supports multi-channel measurements in water samples
Ennas is designed under the guidance of highly skilled designers. With sorted menu and operation manner similar to PC, it can be conveniently and simply operated
Ennas is attractive in design and exquisite in details. The product has a function of automatic calibration
The production of Ennas is based on the lean production principle. Calibration function for maintaining accuracy over time
Refined by first-class manufacturing technology and processing technology, it has the advantages of good color rendering, high moisturizing, long-lasting makeup, etc., reliable quality, high quality, and trustworthy.