Dragon gallery studies show Chen 'Oriental girls' domestic first exhibition

by:Ennas      2021-08-05
Core tip: Chen had extremely rare small sculptures, 3. 5 meters high, the Oriental girl 'is a case study in dragon art gallery series' visual repetition - — Chen, excellent appearance. This is Chen was extremely rare small sculptures, 3. 5 meters high, the Oriental girl 'is a case study in dragon art gallery series' visual repetition - — Chen, excellent appearance. This is Chen figurine works on public display for the first time in domestic. Chen was to advocate big vision, through culture, art, design, creativity, planning in various fields, such as in the limited life make a great contribution to the cultural, the figurines seldom known to outsiders. This is the Oriental girl 'dragon art museum for the exhibition specially harbour plaza the culture of the company's loan shows up, from the company's background is the Chen family. The figurine is Chen in taikang road figurines to the workshop, the hall had been put in the villa, is a guest into his first sight of art, only before in March 2000, at the royal museum in Paris. Chen is one of the leading enterprises in times in many things, such as the use of European painting in the main trend literature, is the first Chinese artist to enter the mainstream of western painting, first in the form of a painting comprehensively present jiangnan unique Oriental charm, as early as the old factory buildings for art park, including the plane paintings in thirties and female image into three-dimensional figurines the Oriental girl, also walk in the forefront of fine arts. Curators janelu says, the Chen exhibition hopes to present the Chen's work, but also marks the dragon art museum collection works for the beginning of the comb academic, research, supported by many academic institutions. Chen had worked for Shanghai oil painting figurines school specially for Chen cooperation with Wei Jingshan famous oil painting 'invasion of the presidential palace to set up one side wall, exhibition of precious Chen working manuscript; The executive vice President of Shanghai oil diao yuan XiaoGu will also be held during the exhibition Chen seminar; 'VISION youth VISION magazine provides Chen was founded by the early Chinese big visual journals of the whole; For the study of Chen's contribution in the movie, exhibition invited researchers to academic and Chen film project. Famous Chinese collectors also provides a Chen ladies theme of the exhibition masterpiece the CV 18 spring warm, plus dragon art museum collection of Chen music masterpiece 'tutor' theme, Tibet, the subject of 'mountain wind', the early reform and opening to the outside of the great transformation of pacing, jiangnan water theme works 'zhouzhuang figurines and domestic debut the Oriental girl, it may be said Chen art to extract essence, both components. Exhibition from June 28 solstice on July 25, held in dragon gallery pavilion in pudong.
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