Don't let children's toys become 'disposable' items

by:Ennas      2021-12-19

Recently, many parents reported that the toys bought for their children during the Spring Festival were left to pieces by the children during the holiday. They were either incomplete or broken. To this end, in order to prevent children's toys from becoming 'disposable' items, the author suggests: First, implement toy dealers or home appliance repair shops and other joint operation of specialized toy shops.   Recently, many parents reported that the toys bought for their children during the Spring Festival were left to pieces by the children during the holiday. They were either incomplete or broken. Embarrassingly, there is no place to repair the toy. When I got to the store for consultation, I was told that there was no warranty service and there were no related parts. In desperation, these children's toys can only be thrown away as 'disposable consumer goods.' Many toys are expensive, ranging from tens of yuan, hundreds of yuan or even thousands of yuan.   In recent years, children's toys have become more and more 'tallAlthough the price of toys is high, the life span is very short, especially electronic toy products are more prone to breakage. Coupled with children's lack of caring consciousness, the chances of being broken are even higher. Under normal circumstances, you can find a repair place after purchasing a product, but children's toys are almost blank. Even if you find a toy store, you will be told that there is no obligation, no accessories, etc., and no repairs will be made. In this regard, many parents complained that the maintenance of expensive toys has become a problem. Toys become disposable consumer products and thrown away as garbage. This is not only a waste of resources, but also pollution to the environment.   Therefore, in order to prevent children's toys from becoming 'disposable' items, the author recommends: First, implement toy dealers or home appliance repair shops and other joint operation of toy shops. The designated repair shops are designated by the industry and commerce departments to ensure that children's toys are repaired when they break. This not only solves the troubles of parents, but also is a good money-making project. The second is to establish specialized recycling stores and markets for children's toys, specifically to recycle discarded children's toys, and conduct comprehensive disposal such as disassembly and transformation as appropriate.
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