Cross-border e-commerce spot checks 57% of unqualified children's clothing and children's toys are hardest hit

by:Ennas      2022-01-04
Guide: On the morning of February 14, the 2016 press conference on the quality and safety of imported industries in Zhejiang was held at the Zhejiang Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. The meeting reported that in 2016, the quality and safety of imported industrial products and imported consumer products were more prominent. The unqualified rate of cross-border e-commerce spot checks was 57% and the unqualified rate of imported consumer products was nearly 15%.  In the traditional concept, imported products are always of better quality. In the past, these foreign products that traveled across the ocean were more attractive in terms of design and quality. However, is the moon in foreign countries really rounder? Today, Zhejiang Inspection and Quarantine Bureau uses data to give you a negative answer—imported things are not necessarily better.   In 2016, a total of 120 batches of cross-border e-commerce were randomly checked, and the product inspection failure rate was as high as 57.5%.   On the morning of February 14, the press conference on the quality and safety of Zhejiang imported industries in 2016 was held at the Zhejiang Inspection and Quarantine Bureau. The meeting reported that the quality and safety of imported industrial products and imported consumption in 2016 were more prominent. Among them, a total of 120 batches of cross-border e-commerce were randomly checked throughout the year, and the product failure rate was as high as 57.5%. The average price of imported clothing in Zhejiang has dropped by US$50 within three years, but the quality is not as good as before.  Cross-border e-commerce spot checks the unqualified rate of 57%, and the unqualified rate of imported consumer products is nearly 15%.    Zhejiang is a major e-commerce province. Cross-border e-commerce imports of consumer goods are booming, and hidden dangers follow. In 2016, the Zhejiang Bureau randomly inspected 120 batches of cross-border e-commerce consumer products, involving major e-commerce companies such as Tmall Global, NetEase Koala, JD Global Shopping,, Mibud, Vipshop, Suning Overseas Shopping, etc., and the test failed Up to 57.5%, unqualified items include identification labels, functionality, sanding and color fastness, etc.  Shen Yuxiang, chief of the Inspection and Supervision Division, told reporters that 16 of them involved substandard quality and counterfeit origin, accounting for 13% of the total amount of random inspections. The main unqualified products are children's clothing, food contact products, toys, baby diapers, etc.   According to data released at the press conference, including cross-border e-commerce, Zhejiang Bureau detected 658 batches of substandard imported consumer products in 2016, with a substandard rate of 14.9%, which was basically the same as last year. Unqualified involves a number of safety issues, such as child safety seats failing 3C certification, imported toys, artificial accessories, food contact products, and clothing toxic and hazardous substances exceeding the standard.  The average price of imported clothing from Zhejiang has dropped by US$50 in three years, and the quality has also declined.  A batch of French women's clothing was shipped to Xiaoshan in August 2016. This batch of women's T-shirts from the fashion country is full of shiny black beads on the breasts, shining with luster. However, the inspectors of the Xiaoshan Bureau conducted inspections in accordance with relevant standards. Representative samples were randomly selected from the 80 T-shirts and sent to the laboratory for hazardous element testing of jewelry. The black beads were found to contain 231mg/kg of cadmium and 1508mg of arsenic. /kg, respectively exceeding the limits of cadmium and arsenic specified in the national mandatory standard GB28480-2012. If the consumer wears the clothes for a long time, it may cause harm, so it is judged as unqualified. Ren Jinhua, Director of the Inspection and Supervision Division of Zhejiang Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, told reporters that with the expansion of imports, the level of consumption of imported products by Chinese people has become more and more diverse, and consumers will gradually turn their attention from expensive international high-end brands to neighboring countries with higher cost-effectiveness. The product.  Data shows that the average unit price of imported clothing in the jurisdiction of Zhejiang Bureau has continued to decline in recent years, from US$74.5/piece in 2014 to US$28.0/piece in 2015, and then US$24.2/piece in 2016, a drop of US$50. In line with the decline in prices, there are also problems with the quality of imported clothing.   Now clothing imported from South Korea and other places is also popular with consumers, and the prices are more favorable. However, compared with the past international first-line imported clothing brands, the overall quality of imported clothing has declined in recent years, and there are more quality problems.   In 2016, Zhejiang Bureau detected a total of 6,996 batches of unqualified industrial products in the catalog, with a disqualification rate of 14.35%; the amount involved was 2.796 billion US dollars, and the disqualification rate was 15.16%. From the data point of view, the batch failure rate has continued to rise in the past five years. In addition, the Zhejiang Bureau completed the supervision and random inspection of 249 batches of imported industrial products outside the catalogue, 113 batches were unqualified, and the unqualified rate was as high as 45.38%. They mainly involved two major categories of consumer products, including electric kettles, wet wipes, toothbrushes, and clothing. , Children's shoes, thermos cup and fountain pen, etc.
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