Corporate Charity Activities | VTech Starts Save Children Activities

by:Ennas      2022-02-07
VTech is working internationally to help save children to alleviate the additional pressure on children living in poverty due to the COVID-19 pandemic. From December 1, 2020 to November 30, 2021, in order to save children, the company will donate US$1 for each toy and baby monitor sold through its website in Canada and Hong Kong, and every dollar sold through its US website. Each baby monitor will donate $1, starting in 2020. In addition, VTech has organized a global toy donation program, which has provided more than 4,400 e-learning toys to children in need. VTech’s branches in the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Spain, Australia and Hong Kong donated toys, including Myla the Magical Unicorn, a seated learning walker and Go! Go! Smart Wheels Ultimate Corkscrew Tower (Smart Railcar Rotation) Tower) to save the children. Dr. Huang, Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer of VTech Holdings Ltd., said: As schools closed during the COVID-19 epidemic, this severely disrupted children's education and social life, especially for children in resource-poor communities. Our cooperation with Save the Children not only enables children to continue to learn through play, but also lets them know that we are thinking about and caring for them. In recent months, VTech employees worldwide have also participated in rescue activities and letter writing activities organized by Save the Children.
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