Contemporary ink painting and small sculpture art exhibition held in the grand palais in Paris

by:Ennas      2021-08-01
Core tip: 'China image 2014 - — Contemporary Chinese ink painting and sculpture art exhibition 'held a grand grand palais in Paris, France. Bao sheng is taken, the namoc director, vice President of Chinese artists association in 2014 'China image - — Contemporary Chinese ink painting and sculpture art exhibition 'held a grand grand palais in Paris, France. Bao sheng is taken, the namoc director, vice President of China artists association ( Third right) , vice chairman of the Chinese artists association, Chinese figurines of wu, Chinese contemporary famous statuette home ( Second from right) And foreign artists explore wu international gold prize 'Lao zi' of Chinese cultural spirit. Bao sheng Beijing, Paris, March 29 (Reuters) taken in 2014 is the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the method of 27 local time, the national art museum of China and the Chinese and foreign friendly international exchange center hosted the 'China image - — Contemporary Chinese ink painting and sculpture art exhibition 'held a grand grand palais in Paris, France, will allow the French audience understand the Oriental culture philosophy and aesthetic concepts, to feel the unique beauty of the' image '. This is the first time in contemporary Chinese art in Paris, France grand palais exhibition, has a special meaning to the sino-french cultural exchange between the two countries. The exhibition by the Chinese artists association, vice chairman, the namoc director, deputy director of the national art museum of China Ma Shulin and China art research institute China figurine of wu as a curator, carefully selected 60 contemporary Chinese ink painter and 20 figurines, 'China image' to show the French public rich Oriental connotation of Chinese ink painting and the figurine art creation. All participating works break through the traditional program, with a strong modern color and personal style, basic reflect the contemporary Chinese ink painting and figurines the latest exploration achievements and the highest level of art, but also shows the thriving of the contemporary Chinese society. Grand palais in Paris, France in Paris champs elysees, is for the Paris world exposition in 1900 to build. Art Paris exposition 'held in the grand palace, the same period of contemporary Chinese ink painting and figurine art with the art introduced from France and all over the world, provides an opportunity for dialogue on different cultures. The where the ink painting works in the Chinese art museum collection is given priority to, to be invited to the event ink painters are contemporary Chinese painter. Liu dawei, with skilful pen and ink and accurate modelling show the traditional pen and ink charm. Feng Yuan solid ink techniques, profound cultural background and artistic accomplishment, rigorous ink modelling ability, the traditional pen and ink gives new meaning; Liu Jude is given priority to with ink vividly freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese painting; Chen Suping more emphasis on inner video image expression; Yuen mo grows with a dry pen and ink work with pale embellish vigorous qi; Dao-ping zhu free stretch of landscape painting, freely, to express the artist's mood feeling; Li in the disconnection of the colored pattern of softness and ink show the purity and beauty of the aged; Shao Fei dream-like ink build a romantic world, colorful picture; Du Dakai works along with the gender follow with ear, concise geometry and color piece contrast, make work has the poetic artistic conception; Zhang Lizhu works to image ZaoXingGuan make public value orientation of modern China's rural farmers, trying to arouse the people to the Chinese native culture and renew; Pei-cheng zhang's works to the appeal of the exaggerated deformation image modelling permeate a sense of humor. The figurines of the artists also comes from the figurine institute and the academy of fine arts, and other important academic institutions, they are a small statue of world leaders. Contemporary Chinese figurines, on the basis of China's own traditional actively absorbing western figurines from classical to modern experience, expressed the broad theme of contemporary society and life, in a small statue of language development and innovation are also filled with the ideal of culture and concerns. The exhibition has been the People's Republic of China ministry of culture, the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries and the full support of the Chinese embassy in France, the traditional Chinese painting writer of Chinese artists association, China art research institute China figurine institute strongly assist, got the art in Paris to cooperate. This exhibition is a new achievement of sino-french cultural exchange between the two countries, these wonderful contemporary Chinese ink paintings and small sculpture will allow the French audience understand the Oriental culture philosophy and aesthetic concepts, to deepen understanding and the understanding of Chinese art, to feel the unique beauty of the 'image'. ( the
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