'Comprehensive Second Child' is the first New Year gift that the toy man received when he stepped into the threshold of 2016

by:Ennas      2021-12-24

On December 27, 2015, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress passed almost unanimous votes in favor of the 'Draft of the Population and Family Planning Law Amendment'. The revised new Population and Family Planning Law will be officially launched on New Year’s Day, 2016. Implement. This also means that my country's one-child policy that has been implemented for more than 30 years has come to an end and officially withdrew from the stage of history.  For toy people, this is a major benefit for the industry. It is also the first New Year gift we received when we stepped into the threshold of 2016, which made the market expectations for 2016 even more optimistic. The implementation of the “comprehensive two-child” policy quickly and resolutely also clearly conveys the government’s intention that the new policy will drive consumption and boost the economy in an all-round way. Overcapacity is the main challenge facing China's current economic downturn. The Central Economic Work Conference, which was just concluded at the end of 2015, put forward five major economic tasks for 2016. The top priority is to actively and steadily resolve excess production capacity. Among the various economic formats in our country, the children’s format has received more and more attention from all walks of life in recent years. It is known as the 'popularity engine' that drives consumption. The fields of interactive experience, children's amusement, children's catering, children's photography, and maternal and child services have expanded and become more diversified. According to RET's China Commercial Real Estate Research Center's monitoring data of 42 key cities across the country, between 2011 and 2015, the total commercial area of u200bu200bchildren's businesses reached 9.161 million square meters, and the growth reached an astonishing 538.8% in five years. Children in shopping malls The proportion of business types has also risen from 5% to 15%, and the acceleration has been particularly pronounced after 2013.  Industry insiders pointed out that the characteristics of the children's format can drive family consumption and bring continuous sticky consumption to physical shopping malls. There is a lot of room for development. This was originally a countermeasure for physical shopping malls to counter the surging wave of e-commerce development, and it has achieved good results in practice. According to media reports, after the introduction of the “comprehensive two-child” policy, Wangfujing Department Store, New China Children’s Products Store, Yintai in88, and Xindong’an Plaza in Beijing’s Wangfujing business district have adjusted their layout and actively introduced new brands to increase the number of children. The area of u200bu200bthe business area is nearly 30,000 square meters for children's products and toys in the entire business district.   However, it is worth noting that although the overall development of the children’s business is rapid, the largest contribution to the growth is education, food, clothing and entertainment. The consumption of children’s daily necessities, including toys, is still very low, less than 15%.   How to transform the current 'time' and 'renhe' into tangible industry dividends? The author believes that the most important thing is to create a strong toy consumption atmosphere in many ways. Toys are not just dispensable gadgets, but an important partner that accompanies children to grow up, and is a tool to help them explore the world. Play with fun, play smart. With this concept in place, many problems can be easily solved.   2016, a new starting point, a new hope!
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