
Colleges and universities figurines flowers

by:Ennas      2020-06-23
Summary: in 2013, the eighth session of the national college graduates excellent small sculpture exhibition 'held recently in Beijing, in more than 100 exhibits, the improvement of scientific tools, the use of technology, media material abundance in 2013, the eighth of' national college graduates excellent small sculpture exhibition 'held recently in Beijing, in more than 100 exhibits, the improvement of scientific tools, the use of technology, media materials refined, rich artistic theme style of breakthroughs, enlarged for the biggest feature of genre. Jingdezhen ceramic institute lin-sen Chen entry figurine works 'green bear' won 'Chen art prize'. The work adopts porcelain, wood, glass, stainless steel, ceramic luxuriant, warm wood hale and hearty, clear glass, stainless steel, pure and fresh and easy visual effects. Figures in his numerous works shows different groups and different emotions. The whole works a little green bear like the author himself, standing in another perspective. Beijing red sandalwood culture foundation for the exhibition set up to encourage awards, more colleges and universities focus on incentive to create more outstanding works of art.
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