City figurines, not 'color' liao people

by:Ennas      2021-09-17
Core tip: on April 26, 2014, chongqing university city street and sichuan fine arts college campus is put nude female figurines triggered heated debate. Local citizens think, put in at the university of such small statues have blasphemed women on April 26, 2014, chongqing university city street and sichuan fine arts colleges and universities campus put a naked female figurines triggered heated debate. Local citizens think, put such figurines have blasphemed women in university, and college students think it is innocuous, trigger social controversy. In an increasingly open society, people's ideology and aesthetic idea will also tend to be more open, but in the face of chongqing university city street and sichuan fine arts colleges and universities campus put the naked female figurines, local residents call can not stand, think there's a blasphemy against women. Art allows even naked dew point, in the form of naked figurines to give people show female beauty, this understandable. Question is like this, naked must have the appropriate situation to have suitable for audience, if put in the busy streets, whether adults or children to go out and see, I'm afraid something queer. Again, from the perspective of women only naked is beautiful? Let a female 'nudity', to some extent, is also a kind of blasphemy against women. Art is not hiding anything private collection, only for artists to play, but to face the public, accept the social evaluation. Adept person all know that this is art, the outsider all don't know what to do? How the public acceptance, as the city related functional departments can't completely out. Chinese immersed by five thousand years of Chinese civilization, the aesthetic temperament and interest, value orientation may be related to westerners have bigger difference, if ignore one of the humanities, no matter how far to beautify the city, may not be the public recognition and acceptance, attracted criticism and even scolded is inevitable. For art, nationality and openness is not 'fish' and 'bear's paw' it too. Art on the basis of the ethnic roots advocated open, can absorb and draw lessons from some excellent foreign art, thus forming a national character and openness of complete art with Chinese characteristics. But now some of the city art, openness is surely said of, but will cover that piece of cloth for a 'national shame to throw out thoroughly, let a person see the very uncomfortable, nausea, still can feel the beauty of art? Art once forget 'the' change 'color', absolutely is not a good one million head, it may be a resurrection of backward culture and decadent culture of catalyst. Good is the essence of the human nature, the city related functional departments should have the social conscience of management, as much as possible for people to provide more healthy city figurines, let a person look at uncomfortable and, in turn, appreciate beauty, that it would be great!
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