Chinese traditional arts and crafts blossom in Egypt

by:Ennas      2021-10-10
14 January 10 solstice, invited by the Egyptian culture industry foundation, the ministry of culture WaiLianJu cultural center of China, the Chinese embassy in Egypt, Cairo, style of shenzhen tourism bureau, under the support of national cultural trade base ( Shenzhen) , shenzhen international cultural industry fair co. , LTD. ( Hereinafter referred to as & other; Shenzhen wenbo throughout the company &; ) Organization of Chinese traditional arts and crafts wenbo, participated in the second terms in Egypt Egypt by the Egyptian people. According to introducing, the traditional craft to carry forward the Chinese culture essence and value, promote cultural creative product development, shenzhen wenbo will company organized arts professor at the China academy of jingdezhen, ceramic art design teaching and research section, cloud, director of Chinese violet arenaceous Sun Weiwei craft masters, senior technology artists, xiang embroidery youth inheritance jian-xin liu, embroidery art museum curator liu jas with works such as; At the same time, also highlighted the Spring Festival couplet, paper cutting, Chinese traditional characteristics of products such as New Year paintings, Chinese knot. Shenzhen wenbo, said an official with the company about china-egypt wenbo as shenzhen wenbo towards an important station in Arab countries, and will not only enhance the wenbo internationalization color, further push and strengthened in the cultural exchanges between the two countries, cultural identity, and economic and trade cooperation and created a platform for the cultural industry in the two countries cooperation, and laid a solid foundation. It is reported, the next, Egypt's culture ministry will entrust the Egyptian culture industry foundation, the third time in May this year group exhibition of shenzhen wenbo.
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