Chinese and foreign ancient artistic achievement ( Figurines and crafts) _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2021-10-18
Core tip: 1. Chow tai small bronze sculptures of ancient shu kingdom, including the sun making, large bronze portrait, convex mesh moai statues, embodies the ancient shu ancestors superb craftsmanship and creativity. 2. 1 the qin emperor qinshihuang. Chow tai small bronze sculptures of ancient shu kingdom, including the sun making, large bronze portrait, convex mesh moai statues, embodies the ancient shu ancestors superb craftsmanship and creativity. 2. Unearthed qin dynasty emperor qinshihuang terracotta warriors, is by far the world's largest art treasure, known as the 'eighth wonder' in the world. 3. Han han treasure: hanyang ling ( The tomb of the order) Unearthed thousands of unique clay figures to traditional Chinese most famous figures. Wuwei in gansu province of the eastern han dynasty unearthed copper benma, also known as horse step, is the weight of the treasure. 4. Wei jin southern and northern dynasties grotto art: shanxi datong yungang grottoes, henan luoyang longmen grottoes, the maijishan grottoes in gansu province to start digging. Longmen grottoes is thriving in the tang dynasty empress wu period. ( Four grottoes, dunhuang mogao grottoes, yungang grottoes and longmen grottoes, the maijishan grottoes) 5. Sui and tang dynasties dunhuang grottoes in gansu province is the essence of the grotto art in China. 6. Northern song dynasty chongqing dazu grottoes in buddhist images with a large number of folk life content. Craft: the achievements of ancient Chinese handicraft technology is mainly manifested in such aspects as bronze ware, porcelain, jade, textiles. 1. Bronze bronze ware in chow reached the height of the peak period. Since han dynasty gradually decline. Process alive. In anyang, henan, shaanxi digging zhouyuan, jiangxi, hunan, sichuan and other places national treasure unearthed a large number of bronze ware. 2. Ceramics have upper paleolithic l million years ago pottery culture, there are more than 8000 years ago magnetic mountain red pottery, more than 7000 years of yangshao culture of painted pottery, more than 6000 years of dawenkou 'eggshell black pottery', has more than 4000 years of shang dynasty white pottery, there are more than 3000 years of the western zhou dynasty pottery, and the qin Terra Cotta Warriors, the tang sancai glazed pottery of the han dynasty, the tang dynasty, etc. Tang 'south green north white tang', 'south green' refers to the kiln celadon, 'the northern white' refers to the xing kiln porcelain, 'tang' refers to luoyang unearthed pottery figurine. The song 'five ancient jun' : your kiln, kiln, kiln, pa, kiln. Jingdezhen porcelain, developed in the yuan dynasty, became a national system in Ming dynasty porcelain center. There are four main traditional coating: jingdezhen blue and white porcelain, enamel porcelain, color glaze porcelain and exquisite porcelain. 3. Jade jade culture is a unique traditional culture in ancient China. The history of Chinese use jade tens of thousands of years. 8000 - year - old wek-jin and unearthed a large number of liaoning the chahai site of hong shan culture, jade ornaments. Inner Mongolia hongshan culture relics unearthed large yulong C type, known as 'the first dragon'. 5500 years ago - In 4300, zhejiang liangzhu site unearthed a large number of jade, including jade cong, jade tomahawk, etc. Used by scientists to determine no, liangzhu jade jade of xinjiang hetian jade. In sichuan sanxingdui ruins of the ancient shu kingdom, excavated the liangzhu jade, in eastern and western China forty-five thousand years ago have economic and trade exchanges. Henan anyang yinxu shang dynasty tomb unearthed a large number of fine jade fu hao. Hebei western han jing wang zhongshan tomb unearthed two set of complete him. That is up to more than two thousand jade piece with gold BianZhui. 4. Textile earliest silkworm silk fabrics unearthed in the liangzhu site with a history of more than 5000 years. Writing in the western han dynasty unearthed just 49 grams of bao ruchan ala yarn garment of zen. China's four big embroidery, shu embroidery, embroidery, xiang embroidery, yue embroidery. Nanjing brocade, Chinese silkworm silk weaving skills became the United Nations educational, scientific and cultural organization in 2009 selection of human intangible cultural heritage.
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