China Play Association is building a new preschool education ecology, CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition leads the development of the industry

by:Ennas      2021-11-10

In recent years, the preschool education industry has ushered in an important period of change. With the opening of the 'comprehensive two-child' policy, my country's newborn population has grown significantly, and the market for early education has exploded. At the same time, from the 'Opinions of the Ministry of Education and other four departments on the implementation of the third preschool education action plan' to the 'Private Education Promotion Law' to the 'Spirit of the Nineteenth National CongressJudging from the current situation, the next five years will inevitably be a golden period for the development of the preschool education industry. For my country's preschool education supplies industry, this means both opportunities and challenges. Under the huge market demand and increasingly stringent standards, the preschool education industry has ushered in a new round of 'shuffle'. Only by following the market trend can we seek industry development. Only by constantly learning and enhancing our brand strength and technical advantages can we gain a firm foothold in the fierce market competition. Integrate with internationalization, introduce world-wide advanced educational concepts and achievements into China, and truly industrialize and internationalize preschool education, adhering to the concept of internationalization, China Toys and Baby Products Association (abbreviated as: China Play Association) Based on the first successful CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition last year, the second CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition will be launched this year. It will be held on October 16-18, 2018 at the Shanghai New International Expo Center. This year, CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition will continue to rely on the advantages of 'internationalization and specialization' to build a true one-stop business docking platform in the field of preschool education, accurately serve domestic and overseas preschool education product brands and high-end buyers in the industry, and help preschool education product companies to win the new era Market demand. In terms of display categories, this year's CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition will cover the seven districts of kindergartens, and its variety is the first in the industry. The contents of the exhibits range from preschool education toys to amusement facilities, to children’s furniture, picture books, etc., which not only meet the basic needs of the purchasers of preschool education supplies, but also realize unique features ranging from campus to outdoor sports and dressing performances. Expansion' provides a platform to broaden their horizons for kindergarten principals, preschool education distributors and investors. As the perfect bridge between the brand and manufacturer of preschool education supplies and the demand side in high-end channels, CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition does not simply pursue international teaching aids and a complete range of product styles. What is more surprising is that CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition adopts The model of exhibiting with brand owners and manufacturers as the main body has been adopted, and the pattern restriction that most regional exhibitions are mainly exhibited by local agents has been abandoned. CPE China Early Childhood Education Exhibition has first-hand sources and direct supply from manufacturers. It has set a textbook milestone in the supply price and diversity of options, and it will naturally attract high-level buyers to the scene. It is understood that the first CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition in 2017 adopted a four-in-one presentation method of 'new product display + trend release + forum discussion + scene experienceA special meeting for overseas preschool education product purchasers, organized one-on-one talks between professional buyers and excellent preschool education supplies companies. The needs of both the supply and demand sides have been greatly met, and the effect of the event has exceeded expectations. At the same time, it has attracted a high degree of exposure from more than 200 domestic media and more than 30 international media. In the later statistics, audience satisfaction reached 92%. On October 16-18, 2018, the second CPE China Early Childhood Education Exhibition will integrate more high-quality resources, rely on strong technology, brand and other core advantages to create a new ecological industry chain for the early childhood education industry, and help early childhood education supplies companies to expand channels , Optimization and brand influence. In the future, CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition will continue to lead the development of the industry and jointly explore the new pattern of international and professional business.
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