Children's business has become a hot spot for the development of large shopping malls

by:Ennas      2021-12-21

All kinds of shops focusing on children's consumption in the large shopping malls in the city are dazzling. Just take Chaoyang Joy City (special reading) (related dry goods) as an example, there are more than 20 brands such as Toys R Us, Mothercare, Xiaogui Dangjia Comprehensive Store, and children's businesses have become a hot spot for the development of large shopping malls.   'I used to go to the mall by myself, but now I am led to the mall by a child.' Citizen Ms. Zhang teased. 'We basically come here once every two weeks. He always yells. It takes three or four hours to stay and costs a few hundred yuan.' The citizen Mr. Li reported to his children at the skating rink in the mall. Skating course: 'Each class is one and a half hours. While waiting for him, I will stop by the supermarket downstairs to buy things. It is convenient for children to eat when they are hungry after class. Many daily necessities are solved here.' Recently, the Beijing Bureau of Statistics and the Beijing Survey Team of the National Bureau of Statistics selected 20 large shopping malls and 11 department stores in the city, and randomly intercepted 1,200 people aged between 18 and 65, who had lived in Beijing for more than one year, and were in shopping malls or department stores. Residents of consumer activities conducted relevant surveys. The survey results show that children’s business has become a hot spot, and the city’s commerce is gradually entering a business model that integrates selling products, selling services, and selling experience. A survey of 20% higher in shopping malls with children shows that among the surveyed residents in Beijing, those with children spend 2,250 yuan on shopping, dining, watching movies and playing with their children, which is higher than those without children. The consumption frequency of the former is also higher than that of the latter by more than 10%. Among them, the single consumption of residents in the core area to accompany their children to play is about 250 yuan.  Experts said that although the single consumption limit of children's business is not high, the consumption frequency is high, which drives more catering and shopping consumption, which has obvious linkage effects. 'A child is often accompanied by a family.' According to Hong Tao, a professor at Beijing Technology and Business University, the current family is basically an only child. For the happy growth of the next generation, parents are not stingy with money and use children's consumption as a guide, which greatly increases the number of customers. The length of stay in shopping malls has played a role in stimulating potential consumption. According to reports, the development of large shopping malls has mainly gone through three stages. The first stage is the introduction of catering, the second stage is to promote leisure and entertainment, and the third stage is the current children’s consumption, especially the experience-based children’s theme park. The above is already a relatively mature business model. Today, this has increasingly become a new model for the development of Beijing's commercial service industry.  The most important thing is to be “close to home” when choosing a shopping mall  At the same time, the survey also analyzed the shopping needs of the citizens of this city. 'Close to home' is the primary factor that residents consider when choosing a shopping place. 63.3% of the interviewees believe that 'close to home' is the main reason that attracts them to choose to go to a large shopping mall. The proportion of participants is 46.7%. In addition, from the comparison between the interception location and the origin of the interviewees, 80.2% of the interviewees spend in large shopping malls in their area. The average time from home to shopping mall is within a quarter of an hour on foot and public transportation It takes about a quarter of an hour to travel by self-driving within half an hour, reflecting consumers' concern about hidden costs such as time when choosing shopping places.   The survey shows that despite the continuous increase of large shopping malls in the city in recent years, the demand of residents is still strong, and ecological conservation areas are particularly prominent. 63.2% of the interviewees believed that it was “necessary” to build a large shopping mall in the residential area, and nearly 40% of the respondents believed that it was “very necessary”. In terms of regions, the demand for ecological conservation areas is the strongest, and the proportion of respondents who believe that it is necessary to build a large shopping mall in the area where they live is 74.4%, which is 11.2% higher than the city's average level.   Compared with the traditional department store format, large shopping malls have more connected consumption and high customer stickiness. In addition to coming for 'shoppingPercentage points. More than 40% of the respondents visit a shopping mall once a week, and more than 30% of those who visit once a week are also 2.8% and 5.8% higher than traditional department stores.
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