
Children are addicted to the cartoon 'Bear Infestation' and like to imitate the behavior of throwing things in the play

by:Ennas      2021-12-20

At 9 o'clock in the morning on April 19, plastic benches, candy buckets, and toy cars fell from the sky in front of the Chongbai Supermarket in Wulong County. Unfortunately, Ms. Liu who passed by was scalped. After the incident, the police mobilized and asked the property management to post a toy recruitment notice, and finally found the perpetrator-a 3-year-old boy. It turned out that he often watched the cartoon 'Bear Infestation' and imitated Xiong Da Xiong Er at home that day to throw things at home, but he got into trouble. A toy car fell from the sky and hurt people. 'Which wicked person is throwing things around?' At 9 o'clock on the 19th, Ms. Liu, a resident of Wulong County, passed by the door of Zhongbai Supermarket. She was hit by an object on her head and blood was flowing. Dizzy, she sat slumped in the corner of the roadside. 'At that time, I saw the bench, sugar bucket and toy car falling from the sky.' The bookstore employee downstairs said. After hearing the sound, he came out to check the situation and saw Ms. Liu being hit by a toy car. A passerby saw that Ms. Liu was seriously injured and immediately called 110 and 120 to the police. Post a notice to find the perpetrator. The traffic patrol police rushed to the neighborhood and saw that Ms. Liu was sitting on the corner of the wall with a tissue while holding her bleeding head, her sanity a little confused. Plastic benches, sugar buckets and toy cars were scattered on the sidewalk. 'It's scary. If you throw something else down, she will be in danger.' Witness Mr. Tan said. After the police helped the doctor put Ms. Liu into the ambulance, they immediately investigated the scene and searched for the perpetrator. The policemen knocked on doors from door to door to find no results. Finally, the police thought of a way: let the property management personnel take photos and print out the plastic benches, sugar buckets and toy cars that fell from a high altitude, and find the perpetrators in the form of missing objects. 'Dad, that's my toy car!' Not long after, Mr. Zhang, a resident on the 17th floor, took his 3-year-old son out to eat, but the son pointed to the lost and found notice and shouted. 'Your toy? Did you throw it away?' After the suspicious son got into trouble, Mr. Zhang hurried to check the thing that hit him, but it turned out to be his own. Throwing things imitating 'Bear Infestation' After confirming that it was his son who caused the accident, Mr. Zhang took his son to the hospital to visit Ms. Liu that night, and after paying 5,000 yuan for medical expenses, he apologized. Mr. Zhang introduced that because he and his wife were busy with work during this period, they often went out early and returned late, mainly because the children's mother-in-law took care of the two children at home. 'Usually we still pay more attention to education for children, but since he became fascinated by the cartoon 'Bear InfestationThe little boy told the police that in 'Bear Infestation, I don’t know how to answer. 'The bald head does not hurt after being smashed. It is fake! It is a fiction and exaggeration on TV.' Mr. Zhang told his son this way, but he knew that this kind of explanation would be difficult for his son to really understand. Mr. Zhang said that in the future, they will actively guide the children and install protective nets to prevent similar things from happening again. Watch cartoons with your children more and correct bad habits in time. Since the cartoon 'Bear Infestation' was broadcast, the violent scenes have been questioned by the audience. For this reason, the producer specially made modifications, and added subtitles of 'Kids attention, please do not imitate' some of the violent and exaggerated scenes. Mr. Zhang has his own opinion on this: 'Many kids who watch cartoons are illiterate at all. How can they understand your reminder? How useful are these subtitles?' He hopes that 'Bear Infestation' will continue to be played later. Improve. According to the police, incidents similar to children throwing objects at high altitude often occur. Parents are advised to accompany their children to watch cartoons, and to explain and guide the dangerous actions and unsuitable shots in the first time. Once it is found that the child is imitating bad actions, the hazards should be pointed out and corrected in time.
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