Cement figurine works underwater figurines of underwater world

by:Ennas      2021-09-16
Core tip: put the statuette in water, this is a novel and creative ideas. Taylor in November, the official national Marine park for Mexico, kunming added 400 new underwater museum water put small statue in the water, it is really a novel and creative ideas. Taylor in November, the official national Marine park for Mexico, kunming new underwater museum added 400 cement small sculpture. The museum will be will be open to the public, so far, the largest underwater figurines museum, the museum also has been given the name of a very mysterious, the evolution of the 'silent' ( 沉默的进化) 。 In addition to Taylor's work throughout the small DiaoXiangQun figurine works there are many other artists, after the completion of a certain very spectacular. The figurines home Jason DE Caires Taylor this idea to attract more tourists travel to Mexico.
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