
Celebrate birthday 70 motherland Xu Hongfei figurines world tour in yunnan gallery opening

by:Ennas      2020-05-28
Core tip: the army day, the day on August 1, fat sun huan played in kunming in yunnan tribute - — Period piece - — Xu Hongfei figurines world tour, kunming in yunnan gallery opening. The exhibition by the cloud army day, the day on August 1, & quot; Fat the sun & quot; Huan played in kunming in yunnan tribute - — ” Period piece - — World tour Xu Hongfei figurine, kunming station & quot; In yunnan gallery opening. The exhibition hall of a culture and tourism in yunnan province, culture and tourism in guangdong province hall, guangzhou figurine institute, yunnan art museum, guangdong museum of art, the guangzhou tourism administration of radio, film and television culture undertaking. Guests attended the opening ceremony of the leading artists association, vice chairman of guangdong province, guangdong art museum curator mickle, the CPPCC national committee, guangzhou figurines of Xu Hongfei, yunnan province artist association President, yunnan gallery director luo, yunnan province artists association, vice chairman of BaoChaoYang, yunnan province artists association, vice chairman of Guo You, yunnan province artist association figurines writer consultant Zhang Jihong zhi-yu zhang, chairman and member Song Jian, yunnan province artist association of Chinese painting, the art institute of yunnan academy of fine arts professor wei-min Yang, director of the writer, kunming metallurgy college Yao Zhiqi, vice President of the college of art and design, landscape gardening, a professor at the school of southwest forestry university Liu Ke three, China council for the promotion of cultural industries and cultural heritage committee chairman Song Weiguang, famous calligrapher Yang Xiupin, yunnan art academies XiaoFan full-time painter, li ping, zheng-guo Yang, Shao Peide, lili, Lv Min, etc. It is understood that the exhibition by the mickle curators, luo academic chair, Wu Jingpeng tended to plan as a whole. Opening ceremony gallery director of yunnan, yunnan art academies, dean of address, Mr Luo, chairman of the yunnan province artist association, the exhibition is rich in the yunnan museum exhibition of form and content, provides a for the people of yunnan art appreciation and learning opportunities, and promote the culture of yunnan and guangdong provinces art exchange of a link, to better promote the development of two provinces art career progress. Exhibition curator, artist association, vice chairman of guangdong province, guangdong gallery director, Mr Mickle speech highly affirmed the art level, the exhibition works and Xu Hongfei as an artist, in the new era acura, promote the cultural exchange the role and contribution. The CPPCC national committee, guangzhou figurines of Xu Hongfei to address this year is the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, on the day of the opening is the 92th anniversary of the founding of the Chinese people's liberation army, the CPPCC national committee, guangzhou figurines for this courtyard dean Xu Hongfei specially created and bring music, dance, love, and guangzhou huacheng related series & quot; The fat woman & quot; Series a total of 120 pieces. This is the Russia in June of this year, Japan's small statue of the two countries after the world tour of 35 station, is also the biggest quantity of works since the calendar stand tour. ” Fat the sun & quot; Gathered in kunming, unison singing new & quot; Age movement & quot; For the 70th anniversary of the motherland and the 92th anniversary of the gift. With a witty humor, profound and full of positive energy, clever and loving life scene in the spring city eulogizing the moment the new era of China. It is understood that the exhibition the exhibition to August 20th. Xu Hongfei thirteenth session of the CPPCC national committee, the guangzhou small statue of, the national level artists, the ninth director of China artists association, the guangdong province artist association members of the presidium, 2013 China's ministry of culture outstanding experts, the second the smashing of middle-aged and young artists of guangdong province.
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