Cardboard 'toys' are criticized for not serious, Google is accumulating new virtual reality devices

by:Ennas      2021-11-08
2016 has become the start year of virtual reality. Sony, HTC, and Facebook’s Oculus will all sell stand-alone virtual reality headsets in the first half of the year. This field has also attracted great attention from the media, venture capital and consumers. In contrast, Google's Google Cardboard (Google Cardboard) in the field of virtual reality makes the outside world feel like a cheap toy. **New news said that Google has begun recruiting hardware talents and plans to build independent virtual reality helmet hardware.    According to a report by the foreign technology news website Roadtovr, Google recently issued a number of job postings. The main responsibility is to develop virtual reality consumer hardware, including a technical manager for virtual reality development.   For this manager position, Google’s job requirements include: a master’s degree in electrical engineering or equivalent experience, 4 years of experience in managing a technology development team, and experience in the development and design of high-speed circuit boards and systems.   Google clearly stated in the recruitment positions that these positions are related to virtual reality applications. However, the details of the virtual reality helmet developed by Google in the future were not disclosed.   In the field of virtual reality, Google actually started early, but the current situation is very embarrassing. What Google sells on the market is a cheap virtual reality helmet of more than 30 dollars-Google Cardboard. After the user assembles the cardboard, inserts his smart phone and downloads the relevant software to enjoy the immersive experience of virtual reality.   The media pointed out that Google Cardboard does not have the ability to compete with other peers in terms of hardware performance and user experience. Currently, HTC, Sony, and Oculus are preparing to release or sell consumer versions of virtual reality helmets. For example, the Oculus helmet is priced at $599. These three helmets need to be paired with Sony game consoles or dedicated high-performance gaming computers, combined with games , Video and other dedicated content, users will get a refreshing experience.   In addition to the above three, a number of companies in the industry (including Chinese companies) have launched simple virtual reality headsets that can be plugged into smartphones, including Samsung Electronics’ Gear VR. This type of helmet eliminates the cost of buying a gaming computer, but the virtual reality experience is slightly inferior to the above three companies.   In the simple helmet, Google uses cardboard to make the helmet, the product quality and user experience can not be compared with Samsung Gear VR. Based on this, the industry has doubts about Google's seriousness in the virtual reality market.   However, in the face of the increasingly explosive virtual reality market, Google seems to have woken up. According to foreign media reports, in mid-January, Google officially established a virtual reality department. The person in charge is an assistant to CEO Pichai. The establishment of the department means that Google will develop virtual reality hardware and software. It is no longer an amateur playing ticket. The recruitment of technical talents this time may have something to do with the reorganization of the internal structure.   Coincidentally, according to the '**** Times' report, Google's competitor Apple has also begun to recruit virtual reality technology talents. Apple has recruited Doug Bowman, an expert in the field of human-computer interaction. In the past few years, Apple has also filed patent applications and acquired technology companies in the field of virtual reality and augmented reality.   Previously, the media questioned that Apple has become the only large technology company that has not entered virtual reality. The **new recruitment news indicates that Apple has laid out the market.   Obviously, in the context of the entire industry entering virtual reality, if Google continues to develop cheap cardboard helmets, it will miss a huge market.   According to the above-mentioned foreign media reports, the virtual reality technology talents recruited by Google are full-time positions and will work at Google’s Mountain View headquarters.
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