Building blocks are one of the most enduring children's toys

by:Ennas      2021-12-10

Building blocks can be regarded as one of the most enduring children's toys, and it is indispensable in every child's growth process. Many children's toys lack plasticity and will get tired after playing for a period of time. The building blocks can realize multiple possibilities through splicing and play an important role in the growth of children.   Some foreign parenting experts pointed out that building blocks are the best early education toys. First of all, playing with building blocks helps children's cognitive development. 1. Help children learn to observe and develop cognition. Using building blocks to build things you see every day, you must carefully observe, compare, and summarize the characteristics of the objects. The observation process also enriches the children's understanding of themselves and the world. 2. Cultivate logical thinking skills. Playing with blocks will expose you to logical concepts such as classification, comparison, symmetry, arrangement, size, length, and so on. The construction sequence, shape and color matching also run through the game. 3. Cultivate spatial thinking. When playing with building blocks, you need to form a spatial imagination in your brain, and you will recognize the spatial composition and relationship of objects. 4. Cultivate systems thinking. Playing with building blocks is a process from fragmentation to the whole, and children can initially understand the relationship between the whole and the part. 5. Stimulate creativity. Secondly, building blocks help develop children's social attributes. By playing with others, children's social abilities such as communication, sharing, and cooperation are cultivated invisibly. Again, playing with building blocks also helps children form a good character. There are no fixed rules for the playing method of building blocks, which will seldom make children feel frustrated, allowing them to play freely and deal with daily emotions. In addition, gaining praise when displaying works is also a process in which children's self-confidence is gradually formed.   For children of different ages, the selection of building blocks and the way that parents play with them should be emphasized.   For children under 2 years old, you can choose blocks with bright colors and strong contrasts, which will help stimulate your baby's interest. However, babies under the age of 2 will bite directly in the mouth and are easy to throw toys. Therefore, the fall resistance and safety of the building block materials are more important. In addition, to prevent children from hurting themselves when crawling or toddlers, the edges of the blocks should be smooth and not too many. Parents accompany their children to play together. They should teach their children how to distinguish colors, sizes, and shapes, and learn to build simple objects, such as small doors and small houses.   The thinking and reasoning ability of 2~3 year old children is enhanced, and the number of building blocks can be increased to allow him to play to his fullest. Parents can work with their children to build relatively complex objects, such as small pistols, boats, etc., and can also encourage him to create them on his own.   Children over 3 years old like to imagine and start to create their own. Lego bricks with bumps on one end and holes that can be inserted on the other are more suitable for them. At this time, parents can observe and encourage the children to give full play to their creativity, and it is not appropriate to over-instruct. If you don’t understand your child’s work, you can ask him to express his thoughts. Don't evaluate it too early, after careful observation, you will be pleasantly surprised by his imagination and creativity.
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