Bronze mirror imitation and identification ( 3) _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-11
Core tip: imitation bronze mirror of 4, song and Ming dynasties, of the characteristics of the song and Ming dynasties imitation bronze mirror. Is in the process of imitation, some use the direct system of fan, some by facsimile moulding, imitation bronze mirror of both can 4, song and Ming dynasties, of the characteristics of the song and Ming dynasties imitation bronze mirror. Is in the process of imitation, some use the direct system of fan, some by facsimile moulding, both can make the shape the same bronze mirror. Song dynasty imitation bronze mirror, in the late tang dynasty painting of flowers and mirror, double phoenix, rui convex glass mirror, bagua mirror as the object; Its zhengyi imitation is the han dynasty, portraits, zhao spiegel, rules mirror, mirror, etc. Because of the three periods of han, tang and song dynasty bronze mirror, the ratio of copper alloy because of its color is not the same. Child is black paint more ancient han mirror, tang mirror for silvery white, more have hard brittle deformation of soft rough, ornamentation, and fine elaborate ornamentation in han and tang dynasties mirror cannot be compared. In addition, the song of copy mirror mirror buried underground or handed down from ancient times and the han and tang dynasties time length is different, they rust color is not the same, the song dynasty imitation of green rust, paint is radiant with outward by mass, but rust layer is not thick hard, go to the trace of rust after the slot hole. Jinyuan period also has a lot of imitation, gold create approximate method and the song dynasty bronze mirror, but it is not limited to han and tang dynasties from the theme decoration mirror, also some fine imitation song dynasty style typeface in the mirror. They judged the yuan by casting bronze mirror, mainly is the imitation of han of riches and honour, even arc mirror mirror, stories of tang herbal and song of the mirror. Yuan as well as the song dynasty mirror lens, lead and zinc ratio is higher, therefore appear soft table is rough. Yuan mirror even higher content of zinc in the song dynasty mirror, color than song yellow lens, and imitation bronze mirror how old and heavy, mirror edge is more generous. Emperor Ming and qing dynasties, is equipped with specialized agencies fabricated artifacts. The imitation bronze mirror, the proportion of zinc are improved, its colour and lustre is very different than before. Ming imitation bronze mirror was yellow-white, qing imitation bronze mirror to yellow. Imitation bronze mirror is also more thick, rough fuzzy pattern. But on the generic mirror, mostly with generic name. Such as day light, Ming han dynasty there cast 'Yuan Jiazao' word above. Bring about imitation of han four breasts to be mirror ( Ming) Bring gold spirit benevolent bring copper foetus with green grain mirror
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