British boy drives his father home in a toy car

by:Ennas      2021-11-09
(Original title: British boy drives his toy car dad home)        [Global Network Comprehensive Report] According to a report by the British 'Daily Mail' on June 14, recently, a 47-year-old man from West Sussex, England, England Wayne Nuttall filmed a video of a boy driving his father home in a toy car. The scene is very interesting.     Wayne was planning to go outside to smoke, but suddenly saw a funny scene: a boy drove his dad in an electric toy car, and his dad was sitting in a dragging chair behind him. Wayne jokingly said that when he saw his dad let a child drive him, he thought that the boy was picking up his dad from the bar, but then he discovered that he was actually holding a remote control to control the direction of the car.     After Wayne uploaded the video to the Internet, netizens praised the idea as great and creative. Some netizens pointed out that the father and son were actually going to participate in the carnival parade. (Intern Compiler: Zhang Wanjun Reviewer: Zhu Yingku)    Copyright works, without the written authorization of, it is strictly prohibited to reprint, and offenders will be held legally responsible.
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