Brilliant reappearance one thousand statuettes chengdu citizens museum 'holiday'

by:Ennas      2020-06-22
Core tip: 'east soil cncondom brahma China - — 400 - India and China figurine art exhibition 'in 700 National Day vacation at sichuan museum, the exhibition exhibited special 56 figurine from India,' east soil cncondom brahma China - — 400 - India and China figurine art exhibition 'in 700 National Day vacation at sichuan museum, the exhibition exhibited special 56 figurine from India, and China's 103 figurines statues, representation from both China and India more than 1500 years ago a important period in the development of art, Oriental gorgeous open cncondom in the earth. From 400 to 700 AD, the Buddhism was introduced into China during this period gradually shows a process of sinicization of open, inclusive, absorb, the fusion of Chinese culture. It is reported, just for three days then appeal for nearly all citizens to visit, cultivate the mind and understand culture has become increasingly popular during the period of public holidays. Sommelier perturbation
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