'Brick speakers' David yun dai figurines exhibition opening in Beijing

by:Ennas      2021-10-04
Core tip: SMW reporter Huang Qian intern Chen, Beijing a few days ago, 'with - — — Figurines, figurines of David yun dai 'in today art museum. This exhibition exhibits David yun dai figurine works 21, is the SMW reporter Huang Qian intern Chen from Beijing a few days ago, 'with - — — Figurines, figurines of David yun dai 'in today art museum. This exhibition exhibits David yun dai 21 figurine works, is to review and summarize David yun dai's six years in. As the exhibition curator hong-liang wu. The exhibition of the figurine will be in the form of a new classic museum collections around the world show. David yun dai figurine works by copying the means to the reconstruction of the world heavyweight figurines, reengineering the classics, back at history, this is the art of historical spirit and the cultural relics. In fact, it contains abundant and complicated meaning. Compared with the original stone carving, jade carving and other carver noble sense of art and history, David yun dai figurines 'reengineering' selection of material for the brick. David yun dai since 2006 by brick figurines for material creation, he was known as the 'brick speakers'. The exhibition of the figurine is David yun dai from the beginning of 2009, still with bricks as the materials, brick has become David yun dai language unique creation. This cheap material and the reshaping of the plain formed by the means of language art of historical relics value and scarcity of thinking, is a historical and cultural accumulation and the contrast between the state of contemporary culture, is the historical accumulation and round-trip between personal experience and communication. According to the artist, his this idea is also inspired by on the school curriculum. Into the today art museum hall, second floor, as if into a theater, 1 small statue of David yun dai works as the leading role is in among them, the light or bright or dark, in turn, play in each main body, big screen plays about the history of the original documents, full of sense of music with the viewer to roam between history and reality. Hong-liang wu said: 'David yun dai figurines in constructing a trigger thinking path, a small statue of family drama version of history. 'The exhibition will last until August 14th.
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