Breaking through the limitations of the kindergarten, CPE China Preschool Education Exhibitor Hua Senwei moved the sensory integration physical fitness classroom into the classroom

by:Ennas      2022-01-08

The kindergarten period is the initial stage for children to receive physical health education. It is very important to cultivate children's sports interest, exercise habits, and health awareness through sports activities. However, due to the limitations of the venue or weather, how to use the indoor space to carry out children's sports has become the focus of kindergarten teachers' attention. As a diversified large-scale preschool education product overall service provider integrating design, development, production and sales, and comprehensive services, the exhibitor of CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition, Huasenwei Huasenwei Education, and actively innovated in how to use indoor space to carry out children's sports. At present, Watsonway has also launched a sensory integration physical fitness classroom, which provides children with a dedicated indoor physical training venue, so that the children's physical fitness exercise is no longer restricted by objective factors such as weather and climate. This sensory integration classroom is composed of three types of sensory integration furniture: Urban Adventure, Climbing Wall and Labyrinth. It integrates the playground into the kindergarten indoor space and brings children a new experience of sensory integration. In the city adventure, there are uniquely shaped buses, fire trucks, police car sensors, swings, wave climbing ladders, etc., which fully satisfy the children's sensory experience and stimulate their curiosity to explore while climbing and playing. Urban climbing walls have 12 themes to choose from, including dinosaurs, cars, buildings, and space rockets. This not only creates a rich play atmosphere for children, but also makes climbing activities more interesting for children. The urban maze is made of a combination of multiple materials. Different combinations of large, medium and small can be selected according to the size of the indoor area. It is also equipped with a high-altitude drop cushion, allowing children to experience the sensory stimulation of different environments during the climbing process, which promotes Proprioceptive development. In the Watsonway sensory integration physical fitness classroom, through the above interesting exercise methods, promote the balanced development of children's grand motor ability and sensory integration ability, so that children can release their adventurous passion in a safe environment, and cultivate children's learning qualities that are not afraid of challenges. Hua Senwei has participated in the 2020 CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition, and has entered the China Toys and Baby Products Association '365 Cloud Exhibition'. If you have any intention of cooperation, please contact the organizer, China Toys and Baby Products Association ( ). The '365 Cloud Exhibition' platform has achieved remarkable results, with 2.9 million views accurate E docking with the China Game Association '365 Cloud Exhibition' platform has achieved remarkable results. At present, 2500+ exhibitors have settled in, including 20,000+ toys and baby products, 1800+IP At the same time, it also gathered 150,000+ buyers of toy, baby and preschool education supplies, retail chain agencies, educational institutions, commercial real estate, etc., with more than 2,900,000 page views. One-to-one precise cloud service guides all companies in the industry. E docking at any time during the year to help exhibitors and visits with better results! About CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition As a high-quality business platform for the international kindergarten education industry, CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition is positioned as 'professionalization, branding, and internationalizationThe best platform for product display docking and cutting-edge theory collision in the entire industry chain in the field of preschool education. The exhibition scale is expected to reach 37,000 square meters in 2020, bringing together more than 400 exhibitors from more than 30 countries and regions around the world, 1,000+ well-known brands, 55,000+ professional visitors, covering integrators, purchasers, park managers, real estate developers, and education complexes Wait. The 2020 CLE China Authorized Exhibition, CKE China Baby and Child Exhibition, CTE China Toy Fair, and CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition will be on the same stage at the Shanghai New International Expo Center on October 21-23, 2020. The old time, the old place, and the more effective it is good. At present, the exhibition application and visit registration system is fully open. Baidu searches for CPE China Preschool Education Exhibition, log in to the official website (, click on the company to book booths or buyers to register and purchase to participate.
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