
Bondi beach in Sydney held 'little beach sculpture exhibition' ( Figure)

by:Ennas      2021-10-30
Core tip: on October 18, people at bondi beach, Sydney's 'little beach sculpture exhibition' on visiting China guangxi artists Zhang Yangen works. On the same day, the 16th 'little beach sculpture exhibition' in Australia on October 18, people at bondi beach, Sydney's 'little beach sculpture exhibition' Zhang Yangen visit China guangxi artist in work. On the same day, the 16th 'little beach sculpture exhibition' opened at bondi beach in Sydney, Australia, on the artists from all over the world, including China, more than 100 small statue of modern art works. On October 18, Xinhua News Agency reporter Kim Lin Pengshe, people at bondi beach, Sydney's 'little beach sculpture exhibition' on the visit. Xinhua News Agency reporter Kim Lin Pengshe on October 18, a little girl at bondi beach, Sydney's 'little beach sculpture exhibition' on the visit. On October 18, Xinhua News Agency reporter Kim Lin Pengshe, people at bondi beach, Sydney's 'little beach sculpture exhibition' on the visit. Xinhua News Agency reporter Kim Lin Pengshe
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