Bang drama spittor _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2020-06-18
Core tip: 220000 yuan Liu Haichan is our country ancient Taoist figures. Always 'wushan a Duan Yun' the song dynasty had 'look with sea toads crazy play, not nine guan qi tao' poem, since Ming dynasty emperor worship Liu Haichan 220000 yuan is our country ancient Taoist figures. Always 'wushan a Duan Yun' the song dynasty had 'look with sea toads crazy play, not nine guan qi tao' poem, since Ming dynasty emperor worship and buddhist way so since the Ming dynasty painting, sculpture Liu Haichan often occurs in the image. And future generations will Liu Haichan a derivative of 'bang drama spittor' story, makes the rounds in folk 'bang spittor play, step by step fishing for money'. This sculpture is exquisite jade carving works, Liu Haichan deduced innocent and lively, in the form of dynamic around Liu Haichan photograph echo, qiao color of money and three pure toad let whole works more vivid.
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