Bamboo PanChi water cheng ( Qing) _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2021-09-06
Core tip: mid qing bamboo PanChi water cheng high 6. 5 cm, diameter 3. 3cm。 Cheng bamboo root system and water tank, convex lip, short neck, shoulders, drum abdomen, ring foot. Body emboss dichotomous tail PanChi lines 2, bending back to mid qing bamboo PanChi water cheng high 6. 5 cm, diameter 3. 3cm。 Cheng bamboo root system and water tank, convex lip, short neck, shoulders, drum abdomen, ring foot. Body emboss dichotomous tail PanChi lines 2, bending back, posture, connected head to tail. Its lines like that, its special shape, is a rare in water cheng products. This machine is equipped with four foot wooden waist.
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