Bamboo gluttonous grain ears ding (with three legs Qing) _ figurine skills

by:Ennas      2021-09-05
Core tip: bamboo gluttonous grain three-legged ears Lao ding 15 cm, diameter of 13. 2cm。 Bamboo ding circle, a circle back to the external gluttonous grain adornment grain land, pan cover and three feet of red sandalwood wood lotus leaf base. Cover button to bamboo gluttonous grain foot 3 ears Lao ding 15 cm, diameter of 13. 2cm。 Bamboo ding circle, a circle back to the external gluttonous grain adornment grain land, pan cover and three feet of red sandalwood wood lotus leaf base. Cover button with beeswax carved, engraved beast grain and in grain. Bamboo products in the imitation bronze yi is a major category. Qianlong dynasty, imperial palace collects Tibetan bronze ware, into 'west qing four guide' books, such as spectrum of the modeled windy. Bamboo make office place then start copy bronze ware, especially with asparagus products to see. Such antique tend to the details of the bishop, overall is not realistic, and more on a implements mix various typical shape and decorative pattern of The Times. The tripod modelling from the tripod sinochem and add variation, line tender round, solemn means has nowhere to bronze. From the shape, decorative design in a utensil to cover, button, a complex combination of, aesthetic interest can be clearly seen in the qing dynasty, has a relatively strong palace flavor.
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