Bainsch baby tactile perception puzzle hand catching the ball scientific touch·Enjoy happy parent-child time

by:Ennas      2022-02-06
Tactility is the main way for newborns to understand the world. Multiple tactile explorations are conducive to motor and cognitive development, and have an important impact on intellectual and emotional development. Bainsch's baby tactile perception puzzle grasps the ball scientifically and touches the ball scientifically, and the soft Q bomb makes the childlike fun in the palm. The colorful colors start the baby's sensory exploration journey. Proper touch is conducive to the growth and development of the baby, strengthens immunity, stabilizes sleep, gains a sense of security, and cultivates intimacy with parents. The rich texture design of Bainsch baby tactile perception puzzle hand catching ball, the texture and texture surprise blend, bring the baby multiple touches, feel the tactile charm of art, stimulate the baby's tactile perception, and strengthen the flexible brain. Bainsch baby tactile perception puzzle grasps the ball with just the right color and harmonious visual beauty, which can stimulate the baby's visual development and avoid visual fatigue. Different shapes of soft tactile balls, scientific size design, the baby is comfortable to hold, easy to exercise the grasping ability. A light pinch can make the sound of'xiuxiu', attracting babies to pay attention to exercise sensitive small ears. At the same time, they can also throw, throw, chase and play, interact with the baby happily, explore the growth space, exercise the baby's three-dimensional perception, and enjoy a happy parent-child Time. In addition, if you need detailed information or consultation, you can click on the investment promotion area below to enter the brand and product details page to learn more!
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