Art early spring New Year show

by:Ennas      2020-06-15
Core tip: time: January 9 ~ 13, location: weld north yue ya don 'cultural art 2009 New Year New Year exhibition will display one hundred pieces of art, including antique ceramics, painting and calligraphy time: January 9 ~ 13, location: weld north road yue ya don' cultural art 2009 New Year New Year exhibition 'will be more than one hundred relics on display works of art, including antique ceramics, painting and calligraphy, jade and maintain as part of the modern China. Display of the modern 'maintain' works collected from jingdezhen expert hands of ceramic products. This 'maintain' works and now use 'gas kiln', 'electric kiln firing of ceramic works are quite different, rare.
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