'Aofei Cup' Creative Design Competition Judging Meeting Held in Beijing

by:Ennas      2022-01-05

Recently, under the guidance of the Consumer Goods Industry Department of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the China Toys and Baby Products Association (hereinafter referred to as the China Play Association) and the Children’s Work Department of the All-China Women’s The jury meeting of the 'Aofei Cup' creative design competition was held in Beijing. It is reported that this competition attracted a total of 4,779 teachers, students and designers from 550 colleges and universities at home and abroad to participate, and a total of 2,363 effective design proposals were received. The jury of this competition is led by Liang Mei, the president of China Play Association, Yu Hongxia, director of the Children's Work Department of the All-China Women’s Federation, and Cao Yongqiang, senior vice president of Aofei Entertainment Co., Ltd., and Shi Xiping, professor of the Industrial Design Department of the Academy of Fine Arts of Tsinghua University, Beijing Institute of Technology Yang Xin, deputy dean of the Department of Industrial Design, and more than 10 authoritative figures from animation technology toy manufacturers and key industrial design colleges are present. During the judging session, the judges exchanged views from their respective professional perspectives, combined with the work's performance in later development and production, technology application, design creativity, concept expression, market value, etc., and enthusiastically discussed product development directions and market trends. On the 10th At the final evaluation meeting in the afternoon, Liang Mei, president of the China National Games Association, introduced the participation in previous competitions. Compared with previous competitions, this year's competition has not only increased in quantity, but also has a qualitative leap in the quality of works. It is worth mentioning that this year’s competition judging will include an exclusive interview with judging experts. Mr. Cao Yongqiang, senior vice president of Alpha Entertainment Co., Ltd., is very satisfied with the final result. He said: 'The five-month competition was very successful, and it can be called a model of industry-university-research integration. There are so many organizations and designers participating in the competition, the enthusiasm for the competition is high, and the number of effective works collected is large. , High quality, exceeded expectations. We found a lot of very creative and innovative works, and also unearthed a group of outstanding creative design talents.' 'I have seen a lot of outstanding design works. Some have given us a lot of inspiration, and some of the works have very good commercial value and implementability. Look at this doll design, it is very distinctive and easy to put into production.' In the one-and-a-half-day judging meeting, judging experts will give a comprehensive and comprehensive evaluation of the works through the audition of works, voting, appraisal, and interactive defense of key works. The various awards are settled in the open and fair selection. A total of 1 Grand Prize, 1 Gold Award, 2 Silver Awards, 10 Bronze Awards, 5 Individual Awards, 100 Excellence Awards, and 100 Encouragement Awards were selected in this competition. The organizing committee of the competition will notify the winners of the award results via email in late August. For more detailed information about the award, please pay attention to the announcement of the competition published on Design Online and the official website of the China Toys and Baby Products Association on September 5. Up to now, the creative design competition has been successfully held for eight consecutive times. The association has accumulated more than 1,000 domestic and foreign excellent design colleges and more than 500 designer resources. The association continuously stimulates the initiative, creativity and flexibility of domestic and foreign universities, scientific research institutes, design companies and toy practitioners by building a production-university-research platform for toy cultural creativity, Ru0026D and design, technological innovation, talent gathering and industrial transformation. The creative design of products is launched, and the selection results of the design competition are recommended to toy manufacturers for use, and transformed into mass production, so as to further improve the product innovation ability, technical level and knowledge value of the toy industry. Rapid and healthy development.
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