Animation brand authorization helps Chenghai toy traditional manufacturing enterprises to break through the bottleneck

by:Ennas      2021-12-01

Recently, the '3rd SILF Brand Authorization Matchmaking Conference' and industry exchange meeting were held in Chenghai District, Shantou. The purpose of the conference is to condense the brand effect, help Chenghai toy traditional manufacturers to break through the bottleneck, build a bridge for brand authorization for enterprises, and increase the added value of products, establish corporate brands through the authorization of animation games and other well-known brands, and help enterprises achieve transformation in development upgrade. This matchmaking event brought together more than 100 well-known domestic and foreign brands, including the highest ratings in China, 'Where are you going, Dad'Guobao Special AttackIts brand 'Ba La La Little Magic Fairy' and many domestic and foreign animation and game companies will make their debut. More than 400 enterprises participated in the conference. In addition to 'Chenghai Toys   It is reported that brand licensing is one of the most promising business models in the 21st century. At present, the global retail sales of authorized goods exceed 200 billion U.S. dollars each year. Among the Fortune 500 companies, one-third of their businesses are related to brand licensing, of which the United States accounts for about 65%. The total retail sales of licensed products in the Chinese market has reached tens of billions of RMB, making it the second largest brand licensing market in Asia. It is regarded as the most promising area in the world. 'Genuine licensed products' will attract more consumers' attention. Song Lei, a researcher at the Development Research Center of the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television, said: 'Animation brand licensing in China will have a market space of tens of billions in the future, which urgently needs enterprises to develop.'
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