Animal figurines of symbolism

by:Ennas      2020-06-22
Core tip: animals are a part of our world, as time goes on, The Times story about animals and experience, all kinds of animals in people's heart has a completely different psychological feelings of animals is a part of our world, as time goes on, The Times story about animals and experience, all kinds of animals in people's heart has a completely different psychological feeling. The first is the animals themselves to the person's psychology effect. The lion, for example, when people think about the lion first think of the beast, fierce! So the little lion statue in the park garden less used in public places, such as timely use, also show the lion's gentle, loving personality. This is the animal figurines in environmental applications must pay attention to the first question: animals themselves to the person's psychology effect. Then the people through a variety of animals effects are associated with some of the imagery. Still said the lion, some friends to see the lion think of strength, speed, power and so on. So the little lion statues also contains the strength and power, lasting appeal, the lion figurine use is very broad, such as the ancient government, mansion in the modern society, and so on. This is the second question: we need to be aware of the potential meaning contained in the animal figurines. Moreover is the traditional culture factors such as the given special meaning. Or is the lion figurine, in China's traditional culture, the lion could hasten lucky avoids disaster, is the goalkeeper. Therefore, we need to consider a third factor: animal figurines has special meanings. Above all, animal figurines isn't just can use, we need to combine the environment, combined with the user's various psychological effect to deal with. In the children's play park, for example, install monkeys, horses, sheep, deer, rabbits and other animals figurines; The government unit gate installed lion figurine; Using dragon figurine in temple and so on
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