
Affection is jinling - — Tang big jubilee statuettes show

by:Ennas      2020-06-01
Core tip: the affection of jinling - — Tang big jubilee small sculpture exhibition in December solstice on December 5, 2014, 19, was held in nanjing you. The exhibition on display figurines home famous Mr Tang big jubilee elaborative works 38 pieces, the affection of jinling - — Tang big jubilee small sculpture exhibition in December solstice on December 5, 2014, 19, was held in nanjing you. The exhibition on display figurines home famous Mr Tang big jubilee elaborative works 38 pieces, among them, his early works 'sorrow' in collaboration with the statue will be presented to the exhibition of nanjing jinling art museum permanent collection. The exhibition by the guangzhou municipal party committee propaganda department, nanjing municipal party committee propaganda department, guangzhou culture, radio and television news broadcasting news and publication bureau and nanjing culture, guangzhou figurines to undertake. The 78 - year - old tang big jubilee, 28, namely to small sculpture OuYangHai shot to fame. After half a century of creative career, his diligence, diligence work, with a number of outstanding contemporary artists creation achievement, the achievement of the new China figurine southern character, also for the Chinese modern art history on the part of a pen. As a renowned art scene of ChaoJi figurines, Mr Tang big jubilee with its open inclusive of creative thought and artistic style from different regions, different factions of the artist's approval, and many times on behalf of the guangdong invited to the field work, therefore, in many cities you can see outside of guangdong tang big jubilee figurine works. It is understood that the nanjing show because he was tormented with jinling have forged a Duan Jia edge. In the late 1970 s, nanjing flower terrace figurines from guangzhou, Shanghai, nanjing and other places of figurines home form is complete, as the backbone of guangzhou figurine tang big jubilee among, this made him the first intimate contact with the ancient capital of jinling. Finishing in the flower terrace statues, nanjing mochou lake area has found tang big jubilee building Lord, I hope he can mo sorrow statue, in the lake. Concluding that the big jubilee, jinling's love with 'I readily promised to the matter, cut right. No resistance to jinling Fairbanks, like into and hurried farewell banquets, return to I went to the south '. It is understood that in the nanjing show, tang big jubilee will be more than 30 years ago, today still in mochou lake side, don't worry about female statue to the narrow shape and cast bronze statue, and presented to jinling art gallery, with KuanXie oneself a knot of art for many years. 'Today in mochou lake Banks see the mo sorrow, see she is still standing, fancy, visitors, traveled to stop viewing, relaxed and happy, I think before I worry about are all much ado about nothing'.
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