
Abstract figurine art

by:Ennas      2020-05-28
Core tip: abstract figurines and young designers are cast, the realm of abstraction is beyond reality, because it can need not consider the shape of the concrete, as long as it is love, is a good work, this is an abstract figurines and young designers are cast, the realm of abstraction is beyond reality, because it can need not consider the shape of the concrete, as long as it is love, is a good work, this is a common small statue is not out of the realm of performance. Abstraction is small in the form of the statue with many symbols and implicated, make its appear connotation is rich, it is derived from and its itself is the art of follow one's inclinations and pursuit. Abstract statuette is not required, its requirement is: has the beautiful characteristic, as well as the inner meaning, must be beautiful, smooth lines, the expression of the beauty. Abstract figurines are divided into completely abstract and abstract. Figurines in our country at present is in a very good time, you still don't understand some abstract figurine, which requires a process.
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