
what is crystal ball reading called

by:Ennas      2023-10-21

Crystal Ball Reading: Unveiling the Mysteries of the Future


Crystal ball reading, also known as scrying, is an ancient method used to gain insights into the future. Practitioners, known as scryers, believe that by gazing into a crystal ball, they can tap into a higher consciousness and receive messages from the universe. This esoteric practice has fascinated humans for centuries, sparking intrigue and wonder. In this article, we will explore the origins, techniques, and significance of crystal ball reading, shedding light on one of the most mysterious divination practices in existence.

1. The Origins of Crystal Ball Reading:

Crystal ball reading has its roots in ancient civilizations, such as the Celtic, Greek, and Egyptian cultures. The ancient Celts believed in a parallel world accessible through translucent objects like mirrors or water bodies. Similarly, the Egyptians employed various scrying techniques, including gazing into shiny metals or pools of water. This mystical art also emerged in ancient Greece, where oracles would peer into reflective surfaces to predict the future. The concept of scrying evolved over time, with crystal balls becoming a popular tool due to their captivating beauty and metaphysical properties.

2. The Role of the Crystal Ball:

Crystal balls hold deep symbolism and spiritual significance in psychic practices. These spheres, usually made of quartz, are believed to amplify energies and facilitate communication between the scryer and the spiritual realm. The crystal's transparency is said to help focus the scryer's intentions, enhancing their ability to access intuitive information. The specific properties of the crystal, such as its color or inclusions, may also influence the scrying experience, providing further insight into the messages received.

3. Techniques for Crystal Ball Reading:

Crystal ball reading requires a calm and receptive state of mind. Here are some commonly employed techniques by scryers:

a. Cleansing and Charging the Crystal: Before a scrying session, it is essential to cleanse and charge the crystal ball. This can be done by holding it under running water or placing it in sunlight or moonlight. These practices help clear any negative energies and align the crystal's vibrations.

b. Establishing a Connection: Scryers often establish a connection with the crystal ball by holding it and meditating upon it. This allows them to attune themselves to the crystal's energy and create a spiritual bond.

c. Relaxation and Focus: Once the connection is established, scryers gaze into the crystal ball while entering a relaxed and meditative state. Deep breathing exercises or calming incense can aid in this process. It's essential to quiet the mind and remain open to receiving messages.

d. Interpretation of Symbols: While gazing into the crystal ball, scryers may witness various symbols, images, or scenes. These can be personal or archetypal in nature. It is crucial for the scryer to trust their intuition and interpret the symbols based on their own psychic abilities or learned symbolism.

e. Recording and Analysis: After the scrying session, it is customary for scryers to record their experiences and interpretations in a journal. This practice helps track patterns, develop a personal language of symbols, and refine their divination skills over time.

4. Ethical Considerations:

As with any form of divination, crystal ball reading needs to be practiced responsibly and ethically. Scryers should approach their craft with integrity and respect for the client's privacy and well-being. It's crucial to establish consent and only provide information that can be helpful or empowering to the client. Professional scryers often adhere to a code of ethics to ensure the highest standards of practice.

5. Limitations of Crystal Ball Reading:

While crystal ball reading is undoubtedly intriguing, it is essential to understand its limitations. The future is not set in stone, and divination tools can only offer glimpses, possibilities, or potential outcomes based on the present circumstances. The interpretation of symbols is highly subjective and can vary from one scryer to another. Additionally, the scryer's own biases, beliefs, and skills can influence the messages received. It is crucial to approach crystal ball readings with an open mind and use the information received as a guide rather than an absolute truth.


Crystal ball reading is a timeless practice that has captivated human imagination and curiosity throughout history. By gazing into the depths of a crystal ball, scryers seek to unravel the mysteries of the future and gain insights into the unseen realms. Whether viewed as a mystical art or a psychological tool, crystal ball reading continues to inspire awe and wonder today. So, the next time you encounter a crystal ball, remember the ancient tradition it carries and the immense potential it holds to reveal the hidden secrets that lie beyond our ordinary perception.

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