
should i keep my crystal ball covered

by:Ennas      2023-11-02


The Purpose of Covering a Crystal Ball

Advantages of Keeping Your Crystal Ball Covered

Disadvantages of Keeping Your Crystal Ball Covered



The practice of crystal ball gazing has been prevalent for centuries, with varying opinions on how to care for and maintain these mystical objects. One of the frequently debated topics amongst crystal ball enthusiasts is whether to keep the crystal ball covered or uncovered. In this article, we delve into the advantages and disadvantages of covering your crystal ball and explore the reasons behind this divisive dilemma.

The Purpose of Covering a Crystal Ball

Covering a crystal ball serves multiple purposes that are believed to enhance its effectiveness and longevity. One of the main reasons for covering it is to protect it from dust, scratches, and other potential damage. Many practitioners argue that by keeping the crystal ball covered when not in use, it maintains its purity and preserves the energy stored within, allowing for more accurate readings and interpretations.

Advantages of Keeping Your Crystal Ball Covered

1. Protection from external factors: By covering your crystal ball, you ensure that it remains untouched by harmful elements such as dust or accidental spills. This safeguards its pristine quality and reduces the need for frequent cleaning, which could potentially affect its energy and clarity.

2. Maintaining privacy and focus: Some crystal ball enthusiasts prefer to keep their scrying sessions private. A cover helps create a physical barrier, helping the practitioner maintain concentration and avoid distractions during divination rituals. It can also serve as a reminder to others that the crystal ball is not to be tampered with.

3. Amplifying energy and intention: Advocates of covering crystal balls argue that the cover acts as an energetic amplifier, retaining and intensifying the energy stored within the ball. This allows for a stronger connection between the practitioner and the crystal, enhancing the accuracy of readings and facilitating deeper insights.

Disadvantages of Keeping Your Crystal Ball Covered

1. Limited accessibility: A covered crystal ball may be less accessible and therefore less likely to be incorporated into daily practices. For those who prefer to engage with their crystal ball on a regular basis, having to uncover and recover it can be inconvenient and time-consuming. This may lead to decreased usage and, in turn, a decrease in the overall benefit derived from owning a crystal ball.

2. Energy stagnation: Critics of covering crystal balls argue that constant covering can lead to energy stagnation. They believe that the crystal needs exposure to external energies to stimulate its own and enhance its metaphysical properties. An uncovered crystal ball is said to be more receptive to surrounding energies and better able to facilitate accurate insights.

3. The aesthetics of display: Many crystal ball enthusiasts value the artistic beauty of their crystal balls. A cover might hinder the visual appeal of the object, making it less suitable for display purposes. Uncovered crystal balls can be admired for their transparency and luminosity, allowing them to be showcased as decorative pieces while serving their divinatory functions simultaneously.


In the end, the decision to cover or leave your crystal ball uncovered ultimately depends on personal preference and the purpose for which it is used. While covering the crystal ball offers protection, privacy, and potential energy amplification, it may also limit accessibility and hinder aesthetic appreciation. Conversely, leaving it uncovered allows for greater exposure to external energies but poses the risk of damage and may distract the practitioner during sessions.

Whether you choose to keep your crystal ball covered or not, it is crucial to ensure that it is handled with care, respected, and cleansed regularly. Ultimately, the power of the crystal lies within the connection between the practitioner and the ball, regardless of whether it is covered or uncovered.

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