
how to work a flashing crystal ball

by:Ennas      2023-11-06

How to Work a Flashing Crystal Ball


Crystal balls have been used for centuries as powerful tools for divination and gaining insight into the future. These ancient mystical objects are believed to hold great wisdom and possess the ability to tap into the universal energy. A flashing crystal ball, also known as a light-up crystal ball, takes this traditional tool to a whole new level. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of flashing crystal balls, their history, how they work, and how you can harness their power for your own benefit.

1. The History of Crystal Balls:

Crystal balls have a rich and enchanting history that dates back to ancient times. The ancient Greeks and Romans believed that clear quartz spheres were gifts from the gods and used them for various rituals and divination practices. In medieval Europe, crystal balls became closely associated with mystics and fortune tellers. Over the years, crystal balls have evolved in terms of design and functionality, eventually leading to the creation of flashing crystal balls.

2. Understanding a Flashing Crystal Ball:

A flashing crystal ball is essentially a traditional crystal ball embedded with LED lights that emit a bright and captivating glow. These lights can be programmed to flash in different patterns, colors, and intensity, enhancing the overall mystical experience. The flashing lights are believed to amplify the energy of the crystal ball and provide additional visual cues during divination practices.

3. The Science Behind the Flashing Lights:

The LED lights present in a flashing crystal ball are powered by a small battery usually located at the base of the ball. When turned on, the lights are activated and start flashing according to the programmed pattern. The different colors emitted by the lights symbolize different energies and can be used to interpret the messages received from the crystal ball. The flashing lights create an ambiance that helps transport the user into a meditative state conducive to receiving intuitive insights.

4. Working with a Flashing Crystal Ball:

To work with a flashing crystal ball effectively, it is important to create a suitable environment. Choose a quiet space where you can concentrate without distractions. Dim the lights or light a few candles to set a serene atmosphere. Hold the crystal ball in your hands, close your eyes, and take a few deep breaths to center yourself.

5. Setting Intentions:

Before using the flashing crystal ball, it is essential to set clear intentions. Define what you hope to gain from your session, whether it is seeking guidance, clarity, or answers to specific questions. Visualize your intentions and energetically align yourself with the crystal ball's energy.

6. Activating the Crystal Ball:

To activate the flashing lights, locate the switch or button on the crystal ball's base. Gently press it to turn on the lights. Observe the dazzling display of flashing colors and patterns. The lights serve as a visual guide during the divination process, aiding in interpretation and enhancing the overall experience.

7. Clearing Your Mind:

As the lights flash, allow your mind to wander and let go of any preconceived notions or expectations. This is crucial for accessing your intuition and receiving meaningful insights. Focus on the lights and let them mesmerize you, creating a sense of inner calm and receptivity.

8. Asking Questions:

Once you are in a relaxed state, formulate clear and concise questions in your mind or out loud. The flashing crystal ball acts as a conduit between your conscious and subconscious mind, providing you with intuitive responses and guidance. Take your time and ask one question at a time to maintain clarity and focus.

9. Interpreting the Light Patterns:

As the lights continue to flash, pay close attention to the patterns and colors they create. Each color has its own symbolic meaning. For example, blue represents tranquility and intuition, while yellow signifies clarity and happiness. Interpret the light patterns as messages from the Universe and trust your intuition to decode their significance.

10. Closing the Session:

Once you have received the answers or insights you were seeking, it is important to close the session properly. Thank the crystal ball for its guidance and wisdom. Turn off the flashing lights by pressing the switch or button on the base. Gently cleanse the crystal ball by running it under cool water or smudging it with sage to remove any residual energies.


Working with a flashing crystal ball can be a powerful and enlightening experience. By combining ancient divination practices with modern technology, these mesmerizing tools offer a unique way to tap into your intuition and gain profound insights. Remember to approach each session with reverence, set clear intentions, and trust in your own intuition. Let the captivating flashing lights guide you towards a deeper understanding of yourself and the world around you.

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