
how to select a crystal ball

by:Ennas      2023-11-13

How to Select a Crystal Ball


Crystals have long been associated with mystical and metaphysical properties. Among the various crystal tools, one of the most fascinating and sought-after items is the crystal ball. Used for divination, meditation, and energy work, crystal balls have intrigued many throughout history. However, with a wide array of options available, selecting the perfect crystal ball can be overwhelming. In this article, we will guide you through the process of choosing a crystal ball that aligns with your intentions and resonates with your energy. Read on to discover the key factors to consider, the popular crystal choices, and how to care for your crystal ball.

Understanding the Purpose:

1. Defining your Intentions and Goals:

Before embarking on the crystal ball selection journey, it is crucial to clarify your intentions and goals. Ask yourself what you intend to use the crystal ball for – divination, scrying, meditation, or simply as a decorative piece. Being clear about your purpose will help you narrow down your options and make an informed decision.

2. Choosing an Appropriate Crystal:

While traditional crystal balls are made of clear quartz, today, a variety of crystals are used in their creation. Each crystal carries unique energies and properties, enhancing specific intentions. Here are some popular crystal choices and their associated characteristics:

a) Clear Quartz: Known as the 'Master Healer,' clear quartz is a versatile crystal that amplifies intentions and helps in gaining clarity and focus. It is an excellent choice for beginners due to its neutrality and ability to work with any intention.

b) Amethyst: Revered for its spiritual properties, amethyst is a crystal of higher consciousness, intuition, and spiritual growth. It aids in developing psychic abilities and can be an excellent choice for those interested in divination.

c) Rose Quartz: If your intention is to bring love, compassion, and emotional healing into your life, rose quartz is an ideal choice. It carries gentle, nurturing energies and promotes self-love, forgiveness, and harmony.

d) Obsidian: This dark and protective crystal is powerful for insight, inner reflection, and grounding. If you seek to explore your subconscious and release negative energies, obsidian can be a potent crystal ball for scrying.

e) Selenite: With its ethereal white glow, selenite is associated with peace, purity, and spiritual enlightenment. It is an excellent crystal for meditation, enhancing intuition, and connecting with the higher realms.

Evaluating the Crystal Ball:

3. Size and Weight:

Crystal balls come in a variety of sizes, ranging from small spheres perfect for carrying with you to larger ones suitable for display. When selecting a crystal ball, consider its size and weight, keeping in mind how you intend to use it. If you plan to hold it during meditation or energy work, a lighter and smaller crystal ball might be more suitable. On the other hand, if you want to place it on a stand or use it as a decorative piece, a larger size could be preferred.

4. Clarity and Inclusions:

The clarity of the crystal ball affects its energy and readability. While perfectly clear crystal balls are visually appealing, ones with slight inclusions or internal fractures can add uniqueness and character to the sphere. Consider the level of clarity that resonates with you and your intentions. Some may prefer absolute clarity for divination purposes, while others appreciate the added depth and complexity provided by inclusions.

5. Reflection and Optical Quality:

The reflective surface of a crystal ball is essential for scrying and divination purposes. When choosing your crystal ball, examine its surface to ensure it is smooth and offers a high-quality reflection. Additionally, check for any distortions or fogging that may hinder the clarity of the images you see during scrying sessions. A crystal ball with excellent optical quality will enhance your experience and provide accurate insights.

Caring for Your Crystal Ball:

6. Cleansing and Charging:

Crystals absorb energies from their surroundings. To ensure your crystal ball is ready to work with you, it is essential to cleanse and charge it regularly. Cleansing methods can include smoke cleansing with sage or palo santo, placing the crystal ball under running water, or burying it in salt. After cleansing, charge your crystal ball by exposing it to sunlight or moonlight, or by infusing it with your intentions through visualization.

7. Storage and Placement:

To keep your crystal ball safe and energetically protected, store it in a soft cloth or a designated container when not in use. Avoid placing it near electronics, as they can interfere with its energies. When using the crystal ball for scrying or divination, ensure you have a calm and quiet environment free from distractions.


Selecting a crystal ball is a deeply personal and intuitive process. By defining your intentions, understanding the purpose of different crystals, evaluating various factors, and caring for your crystal ball, you can choose the perfect sphere that resonates with your energy. Remember, the crystal ball you select will become a powerful tool for divination, meditation, and personal growth, so trust your instincts and choose the crystal ball that draws you in. Embrace its energy, harness its power, and embark on a transformative journey with your newfound crystal companion.

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