how to repaint a resin statue

by:Ennas      2023-11-13

Repainting a Resin Statue: Bringing New Life to Your Treasured Artwork


Resin statues are not only exquisite pieces of art but can also hold sentimental value for many collectors. Over time, however, these statues may start to show signs of wear and tear, losing their original beauty. Repainting a resin statue can be a rewarding and fun project that allows you to revive and preserve your treasured artwork. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of repainting a resin statue, ensuring that you achieve stunning results while maintaining its authenticity.

1. Gathering the Necessary Tools and Materials

2. Preparing the Resin Statue for Repainting

3. Choosing the Right Paint and Color Palette

4. Applying the Base Coat and Building Layers of Color

5. Finishing Touches and Protective Coating

Gathering the Necessary Tools and Materials

Before diving into repainting your resin statue, it's important to gather all the essential tools and materials. This will ensure that you have everything you need at hand, preventing any unnecessary interruptions during the process. Some tools and materials you will require include:

- Soft-bristle brushes of varying sizes: These will help in applying the paint smoothly and evenly.

- Mild soap and water: To gently clean the resin statue before starting the painting process.

- 400-grit sandpaper: To smooth out any rough areas or imperfections on the statue's surface.

- Primer: A suitable primer will help the paint adhere to the resin better and ensure a longer-lasting finish.

- Acrylic paints: These are ideal for painting resin and offer a wide range of colors to choose from.

- Palette or palette paper: To mix and blend the paints before applying them to the statue.

- Water container: To clean your brushes between color changes and prevent cross-contamination.

- Protective sealant or varnish: To protect the finished paint job from dust, moisture, and fading.

Preparing the Resin Statue for Repainting

Preparation is essential before beginning the actual painting process. This step involves cleaning the statue and ensuring that it is free from any dirt, dust, or debris. Here's how you can prepare your resin statue for repainting:

1. Gently wash the statue: Using mild soap and water, clean the statue's surface with a soft cloth or sponge. Avoid using abrasive materials or harsh chemicals, as they may damage the resin.

2. Dry the statue thoroughly: After washing, allow the statue to air dry completely before proceeding. This will prevent any moisture from interfering with the painting process.

3. Sanding the surface: If there are any rough spots or imperfections, use 400-grit sandpaper to sand them down gently. This will create a smooth surface for the paint to adhere to.

4. Remove the old paint (if required): If your resin statue has previous layers of paint that are chipping or peeling, it may be necessary to remove them completely before repainting. This can be done using a scraping tool or sandpaper.

Choosing the Right Paint and Color Palette

Selecting the right paint and color palette is crucial for achieving the desired look and preserving the authenticity of your resin statue. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the paint:

1. Acrylic paint: Acrylic paints are the most suitable choice for painting resin statues. They adhere well to the surface, are quick-drying, and offer a wide range of colors.

2. Color schemes: Decide on the color palette you want for your statue. Consider the original colors, the theme of the statue, or any specific artistic vision you have in mind.

3. Matte or glossy finish: Determine whether you want a matte or glossy finish. Matte finishes tend to look more realistic, while glossy finishes can add a sheen or luster to the statue.

4. Paint permanency: Ensure that the acrylic paint you choose is fade-resistant and offers long-lasting color to maintain the vibrancy of your statue over time.

5. Testing colors: Before applying the chosen paint directly to the statue, test a small amount on a discreet area to observe how it reacts with the resin.

Applying the Base Coat and Building Layers of Color

Once you have gathered the materials, prepared the statue, and selected the paint, it's time to begin the painting process. Follow these steps to achieve a professional-looking finish:

1. Apply primer: Using a soft brush, apply a thin, even layer of primer on the entire surface of the statue. This will enhance the adhesion of the paint and create a smooth base.

2. Begin with the base coat: Start by applying the base coat of paint in the desired color. Use broad, smooth brush strokes to cover the statue evenly. Allow each layer to dry completely before applying the next.

3. Building layers: To achieve depth and dimension, layer different colors on top of the base coat. Gradually build up the layers, allowing each coat to dry before adding the next. Use different brushes to create texture and blend the colors seamlessly.

4. Adding details: Pay attention to the intricate details of the statue. Use finer brushes to add smaller details and lighter shades to highlight specific areas.

Finishing Touches and Protective Coating

As you approach the final stages of repainting your resin statue, certain finishing touches can elevate the overall appearance of the artwork. Here are some steps to consider:

1. Fine-tuning: Take a step back and examine the statue from different angles. Make any necessary adjustments or touch-ups to ensure the painting meets your expectations.

2. Applying the protective coating: Once you are satisfied with the painted surface, apply a sealant or varnish designed specifically for acrylic paintings. This protective coating will guard against dust, moisture, and UV damage, preserving your newly painted statue for years to come.


Repainting a resin statue can breathe new life into a cherished piece of art. By following these steps, you can embark on an exciting journey of reviving your resin statue, ultimately transforming it into a stunning and visually captivating centerpiece. Remember to exercise patience, creativity, and attention to detail as you explore the world of repainting and rediscovering the beauty of your resin statue.

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