
how to paint a resin statue

by:Ennas      2023-10-21

Are you an art enthusiast who loves to collect resin statues? If so, you might want to consider adding a personal touch by painting them. Painting a resin statue allows you to customize and elevate its aesthetic appeal. This article will guide you through the process of painting a resin statue, providing you with step-by-step instructions, essential tips, and necessary materials. Get ready to unleash your inner artist and transform your resin statues into unique masterpieces!

Preparing Your Workstation:

To ensure a smooth painting process, it's crucial to set up a proper workstation. Here's what you need to do:

1. Clean the Statue:

Before painting, it's vital to clean your resin statue thoroughly. Resin statues can accumulate dust and debris over time, which may affect the quality of paint adhesion. Simply use a mild detergent and water, along with a soft cloth or sponge, to gently wipe the statue's surface. Allow it to dry completely before proceeding to the next step.

2. Protect Your Work Area:

Painting can get messy, and to avoid any unwanted stains or damage, it's advisable to protect your work area. Lay down some newspapers or use an old tablecloth to safeguard your surface. Additionally, you may want to wear old clothes or an apron to prevent any paint splatters on your attire.

Choosing the Right Supplies:

To achieve the desired results, it's crucial to gather the necessary painting supplies. Here's a list of items you will need:

1. Primer:

Using a primer is essential to create a stable and adhesive base for the paint. Opt for a primer that is suitable for both resin and the type of paint you will be using. It's recommended to choose a primer in a light color that complements your intended paint scheme.

2. Acrylic Paint:

Acrylic paint is an excellent choice for painting resin statues since it adheres well to the surface and dries quickly. You can find a wide range of acrylic paint colors and finishes in any art supply store. Consider the overall theme or style you want to achieve when selecting your paint colors.

3. Paintbrushes:

Invest in a variety of paintbrushes with different sizes and shapes. Flat brushes work well for larger areas, while round brushes are perfect for intricate details. Make sure to choose brushes specifically designed for acrylic paints for better control and coverage.

4. Palette:

A palette is essential for mixing and blending your paint colors. You can use a traditional artist palette made of plastic or wood, or simply use a disposable palette pad or a coated paper plate.

5. Sealant:

Once the painting process is complete, it's crucial to protect your masterpiece with a sealant. A clear acrylic sealant will not only protect the paint but also enhance its durability. Look for a sealant specifically designed to be used on resin surfaces.

Painting Your Resin Statue:

It's time to unveil your artistic skills and start painting your resin statue. Follow these steps to achieve a stunning result:

1. Apply a Primer Coat:

Using a brush or a spray, apply a thin and even layer of primer to your clean and dry resin statue. Allow it to dry completely according to the instructions provided with the primer. This step ensures better paint adhesion and helps to prevent the colors from looking dull.

2. Plan Your Design:

Before diving into painting, it's best to plan out your design. Consider the color scheme, patterns, or any specific details you want to incorporate. You can sketch your ideas on paper or directly on the statue using a pencil, which can easily be erased once you start painting.

3. Start with the Base Colors:

Begin by applying the base colors to your resin statue. Use larger brushes for broader areas and switch to smaller brushes for intricate details. Apply the paint in thin layers and let each layer dry before adding the next. This technique ensures better color intensity and avoids clumping or streaking.

4. Add Shadows and Highlights:

To create depth and dimension, incorporate shadows and highlights into your painting. Use darker shades of your base colors for the shadows and lighter shades for the highlights. This technique will bring your resin statue to life and make it visually appealing.

5. Detailing:

Pay close attention to the finer details of your resin statue. This is where smaller brushes with finer tips come in handy. Add intricate patterns, textures, or any other unique features you had planned during the design phase. Take your time and enjoy the process of turning your resin statue into a work of art.

Sealing and Displaying Your Resin Statue:

Congratulations, you've completed the painting process! But before you proudly display your resin statue, there's one final step:

1. Apply a Sealant:

Once the paint has dried thoroughly, carefully apply a coat of clear acrylic sealant to protect your artwork. Follow the instructions provided with the sealant to ensure proper application. Allow the sealant to cure for the recommended time before handling or displaying your resin statue.

2. Display with Pride:

Now that your resin statue has been painted and sealed, it's time to showcase your creative prowess. Find a suitable display area that highlights its beauty, whether it's a prominent spot on a shelf, within a glass cabinet, or as the centerpiece of your art collection. Sit back, admire your artistic accomplishment, and enjoy the well-deserved compliments from your family and friends.


Painting a resin statue is an exciting way to add a personal touch and elevate its aesthetic appeal. With the right supplies, proper preparation, and a touch of creativity, you can transform your resin statues into magnificent masterpieces. So grab your paintbrushes, follow the step-by-step instructions provided in this article, and let your imagination run wild. Unleash the artist within you and create unique works of art that reflect your personality and passion for collecting resin statues.

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